31  2017-05-15 by BrianGilgoresDJ


Yep, definately ingests creamy dumps via the hindquarter.

Ya know, AIDS might not have been all that bad

Dunno who that is, but he looks like he was chemically castrated many years ago.

The difference is he is funny and talented and you are a FAGAtt

fag@gmail nyuck nyuck

Good one baby-fucker

Sam Hyde dindu nuffin. Arrest this jerk.


He stinks. Fuck him in his gay ass I hope he dies soon.

Also who is that.

faggot who ruined world peace

Are you fags still hurt from MDE getting canned? That was over a year ago and besides that show and those losers fucking sucked.

Please go back to the_donald and /r/gaming. Or better yet finish your elementary school education. Start by learning how to count to 12.

Aww poor baby doesn't like his idol being criticized. You're more of a faggot than I thought. Go jerk off with your tears as lube bitch.

I am going to repeat. This is not the_donald and you are not amongst your teenager peers here. Leave.

And I'll repeat myself for you. You're a faggot who's only post so far was in the MDE sub. And now you're here pushing more MDE bullshit. You sound like you're one of those faggots and you're here to try and revive your dead brand. You faggots tried the same thing when Sam got fired and nobody gave a fuck about your loser idol or his 2edgy4u “comedy” show then and they still don't.

I'm now convinced you're one of them by what you think constitutes an insult. You're a try had faggot just like your crush you pathetic little bitch.

I've been on this sub for years and you are out of your element you retarded amoeba.

I didn't say this sub you illiterate pud puller. I said your only post (not comments) was in the MDE sub. You even insult like you're in middle school. No wonder you think those faggots are funny and calling someone 12 is the epitome of a great insult.

I wish you had the capacity to understand how profoundly retarded the post you just typed is. Shame.

Keep digging that hole.

Keep downvoting me with a pulsating vein in your forehead and precum in your shorts.

LOL! Poor baby doesn't like his Karma being hurt. You're definitely a mid school faggot or just a typical O&A fan, it's hard to tell the difference at times.

We can't all be high brow humor connoisseurs of /r/simpsonsshitposting. I apologize for my inadequacy.

I didn't even know that was a thing. At least you're good for something besides target practice.

I knew bad memory is a common symptom of fetal alcohol syndrome but not even 24 hours? That must be rough.

Oh wait, you weren't even able to count 12 months so nevermind.

ROFLOL!!! Having fun stalking my profile faggot? You must really be a loser to try and sift through my garbage to find something to try and attack over.

The only reason I'm there was because of a joke that's gone on way too long. Sorry I'm not into 411VM and the Jason Ellis show like you kiddo.

We can't all be edgy prepubescent trolls circle jerking over Sam Hyde saying cunt. Ooooooh! So edgy! Go back to jerking off over Tony Hawk babyboi . EXTREME!!!

Having a break down there buddy? Did you take your Alprazolam today?

LOL! Project much? Is that what the doc put you on after your clonazepam quit doing the trick? I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here but it ain't working kiddo. I'm not some easily triggered faggot who gets pee pee hurt when his idol/crush gets insulted on the internet. Deal with your emotions faggot, you've clearly got some repressed ones.


Boo Hoo Hoo! Somebody called MDE unfunny shit. Boo Hoo Hoo!

Fucking hilarious.

The only hilarious thing is that a person who thinks spamming "Dental Van!" 15 times is funny is calling someone else out for enjoying MDE.

I never claimed it was funny. It's a bad joke, much like the entirety of MDE's videos. The main difference is I'm not going out of my way to bring it up in other threads. Meanwhile you're such a fucking loser that you need validation from other people that what you like isn't total fucking garbage and if anyone says otherwise you get your sandy panties wedged up your ass and have to cry about it.

Boo Hoo Hoo! Somebody called Sam Hyde an unfunny hack. Boo Hoo Hoo! Fucking pathetic little faggot.

I don't give a fuck about your validation you retard. I am just pointing out that you are garbage with no value to anyone who consumes media aimed at actual League of Legends playing middle schoolers.

I am also fairly confident that much of MDE flies right over your watery head.

No kiddo, MDE is about super edgy cringe humor like pretending to trip a woman into a coffee table or making jokes about your baseball coach being a pedophile. Really fucking ground breaking comedy there. I'm not here to stick up for what I find funny, you can ridicule whatever you'd like. But you see I don't curl up in a ball and start bitching and moaning about it being criticized like some crybaby bitch in need of a nap.

Boo Hoo Hoo! You don't like MDE but you like ____.. I'm better than you.

LOL! Give it up kiddo.

I agree, i am better than you.

You are also watching American Dad and VIDEOGAMEDUNKEY. That is something my retarded 15 year old brother is embarrassed about watching few years ago.

Can't make this shit up.

Oh no! Your little brother doesn't think something is funny? Well, fuck me! I better change my view because you and him like to watch and and cackle like retards while you suck each other off.

Stalk my profile some more faggot. It's really helping your cause. It by no means makes you look like a petty little kid who got his feelings hurt so bad that he has to cry about it on the internet for over an hour...

Can't make that shit up.

I literally looked at your profile for 15 seconds 2 hours ago. I know it seems impossible to someone with your genetics to retain information for that amount of time but some of us can do it.

Also let's not forget that you are the one who started with looking up my post from a month ago you hypocritical mongoloid.

The_Donald awaits you. You fit in much better there with all your 80 IQ friends.

Edit your post again faggot. Add more to it so you don't come off like a dipshit.

Are you hallucinating now too? Must be hard.

Cry some more faggot. Make another thirty posts to show your love for MDE. I'm sure they'll accept you and make you an honorary member.

What's your favorite part of MDE? Is it all the excessive homoerotic “comedy” that gets your little dick raging you little faggot?

You are panicking.

Project more. It's done wonders for you thus far.

Wait for it .... DENTAL VAN!

Awww, do I piss you off that much? What's he matter? Developing another crush? I've never had another man care so much for what I'm into. Is not being an MDE fan a deal breaker for you? Is that why you're trying so hard to convince me?

Fucking faggot. Go blow your brother some more.

Someone who eats at McDonalds every day should not be criticizing what's going on at Michelin-starred restaurants.

Once again, project more for me fatty. Do everything you can to change the topic from you liking MDE because of the gay humor that makes you feel normal. Where meanwhile in the real world you're a lard ass with no friends that can't take criticism of his boyfriend and has to cry about it on the internet.

Get the fuck out of here and go back to pulling your pud to Rodney Mullen videos you thin skinned cocksucker.

That would be 0/2 metaphors understood so far. They were REALLY simple ones as well but you still couldn't figure them out. Astonishing.

You might actually be the dumbest person i've talked to on the internet. Some free life advice to you: if you by some accident manage to finish high school one day and will be deciding what to do next with your life DO NOT go to college. It will save everyone a lot of time and resources because you will not be able to finish University of Phoenix if you tried.

Dipshit, I got your awful reference. I then turned it back on you. Get this through your cum covered head now, you're not even fucking half as witty as you think you are and its becoming more and more apparent why you're an MDE fan. Comparing that horseshit to a Michelin rated restaurant is like comparing you to a a straight guy. It's apples and donkeys, not even in the same genus.

I'm guessing you must be speaking from experience about your mother's time at UoP. Or did they just pass her over for some other make a wish kid?

Half of all people are below average intelligence but hardly anyone will admit they are one of them. Just some food for thought.

You Sir, are the perfect example of your quote.

“Food for thought”... fucking hell, thanks for the advice Nana.

If you ever do attempt to attend a university, do yourself a favor and absolutely do not try for a degree in English because if what you've displayed here is an accurate representation of yourself it's not going to end well.

English is not my native language and i don't live in an English speaking country either. I wonder how many languages you speak, retardo.

It's funny how all you third world dipshits who don't speak English as your “native language” have somehow been able to pick up all the most intricate and obscure colloquialisms and slang but when you get painted into a corner you pull the fucking victim card.

Get the fuck out of here you soccer loving faggot.

Yes i have bigger vocabulary in your own language just from shitposting about Opie and watching movies. You know why? Because you are a dumb fucking piece of shit.

Awwwww, don't cry little guy. You're a fag that likes ugly men dressed in women's clothes, it's okay. You don't have to take your internalized homophobia out on the world, they will accept you. You're among friends here. We've already accepted Jimmy, we'll accept you too.

So if you're not from the US how exactly did you hear about UoP? Lying little faggot. Just stop already, you're only making this worse for yourself.

Poor widdle baby...

So if you're not from the US how exactly did you hear about UoP? Lying little faggot.

What a gotcha moment! It's completely impossible to be aware of the most famous online diploma mill on the planet. Well, if you are a retard anyway.

The most famous? Maybe for some fucking redneck high school dropout like yourself. Is that the family legacy? You do realize that degrees can't be passed down from generation to generation, right? It's not like those extra chromosomes you were gifted from hundreds of years of inbreeding.

Maybe that explains why you're so into guys in dresses. Did one of your incest loving uncles make you dress up like his sister?

Are these even insults or are you having a stroke?

You spent two hours coming up with that gem? Kid, give it a rest already. This isn't going to turn out how you hope.


Good one. Maybe it would mean something if you thought of that four hours ago.... Instead you had to wait til your brother got home from school and even then all you could come up with was a chip joke. Did you pat yourself on the back after you hit send? Did you & your brother high five? Fuck off loser. It's over.

What is over? What do you think even happened here? Fascinating.

This interaction. And you've still never said which one of those fags in a dress made your little pee pee hard. Take your internalized fag guilt somewhere else skaterboi.

Or you could just keep having a meltdown over your boyfriend and acting like a scorned lover. MDE fucking sucks. You don't have to crush over anyone who doesn't circle jerk over your 4chan faggot hero.

Cry me another 30 posts bitch.

A person who replies three times to each of my posts is telling me i am having a meltdown. Ten out of fucking ten.

Waaaaah! Waaaaaah!! Someone called Sam Hyde unfunny! Waaaaah! Waaaaaah!!

I called Sam Hyde unfunny many times. You are making shit up to win some imaginary argument you are having in your head, with yourself.

Waaaaah! Waaaaaaah!!

Cry about it some more. 28 posts to go until you've proved my point.

What is your point, exactly?

Waaaaah! Waaaaaah!


Are you going to cum at 0?

Waaaaaah! Waaaaaah!!


Sorry I didn't hit a homerun like MDE. Hey coach, look at my ass! Now THAT'S funny!!! Le epic troll face!! PWNED!!! 420noscope!!!


Fucking loser.

“Please go back to the_donald and /r/gaming.”

Try again faggot. Your words are there for everybody to see. You couldn't take your hero being criticized so you stalked my profile.

What a fucking loser.

I am a loser for talking to someone like you for this long, that much is true.

Kid, you're a fucking loser for a lot more reasons than that.

Now go kick flip yourself back onto the MDE board where you belong.

Fucking hell, your only post is to the MDE board. Are you one of those faggots and you're here to try and remind people of your garbage fucking internet show? What a fucking loser.

We hate Tim and Eric on here? Is that what's going on?

This sub is being slowly taken over by fags who need to vent their political opinions to fans of a long-dead radio show.

Kickers is twice the slope you are


Not true I hate that space edge lover

How is it a political opinion to hate the dude who makes the shitty show where the fucking punchline is they zoom in on a gross guy's face? Hahaha! That was awkward! And they used a filter to make it look like a VHS tape!

I hate Tim and Eric, and Tom Goes To The Mayor.

Well everyone knows this post is just cuz of his beef with Sam Hyde and that he's anti-trump. That's fine if you don't like him.

Oh, well, as long as I have your god damned permission, it's okay I guess. Glad that's all settled and done.

You don't really have my permission bitch. Just saying your reason is slightly more valid than the FAGAtts ruining the sub.

Make another alt.

Good one 😂

Wasn't TH somewhat involved in the pussification of AS though? There really should be more Apatow ate here as well

He is one of the leading SJW zealots ruining comedy. And this is coming from someone who thinks Trump is a megafaggot and anyone who considers themselves "alt-right" should be chemically castrated.

I almost seriously replied to a person who says "cuz". Close one.

Good one you're a megafaggot just like trump 😂

We all hate you because you're on a Jim Norton sub-reddit pretending to complain about snarky non-comedy.

There's a huge difference in the anti-comedy of Chip, which is a change-up pitch, and the constant bullshit those shows provide. I have tried to watch them for a decade. It's the emperor's new fucking clothes. He is naked. Sorry. I'm only pretending to do one thing, and that's to not be a smiley boy :).

The same could be said for all of adult swim's live action shows. Not one has ever been good. MDE is no exception. Just a bunch of ugly try hard faggots making “edgy” shit lord jokes for middle school kids to circle jerk over. Good fucking riddance to T&E and MDE. Both were fucking boring shit and I'm glad they're gone.

I liked the rental car review thing.

This sub is a group of my peers

i never liked that, "lol, random" style of comedy when I was young. Low-hanging fruit to me. Some of their stuff was fine, but... most of it I could just leave.

From what I saw, world peace or whatever it was called was the same so I didn't care.

no one cares

Eric is all the talent. Check out the music videos he's directed for proof.

Been saying it for years. Tim is a great comedic actor but it's screamingly obvious that Eric is responsible for all of the absurd writing in Tom Goes to the Mayor and Awesome Show.

Looks like a gayer version of Truman Capote.

He looks like he masturbates a lot.

Who is this?

Meh, On Cinema is pretty great. I don't care what he thinks politically in his free time. Have some tickets to their reunion show in August.

On Cinema was great before it got political. One of the jokes is that Tim is a trump supporter. That's it.

Lol you guys really hate Tim Heidecker because of some dumb drama he didn't cause with some alt-right dude? And we side with the alt-right guy because Anthony accidentally built alt-right headquarters?

Say alt-right again


Who the fuck are you?

an o&a fan who doesn't get why we need to hate on comedians who are infinitely better than the people Cumia's been getting on lately

leave nigger lvoer

This guy was/can be funny. However fuck Brett Gellman.

You just can't handle how surreal and ironic he is.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQkCH_C-7AM Don't watch this video then.

when will it end? When will he come out as doing a liberal "character"?

if he does this "character" for the rest of his life.. I just don't know


He's actually a really cool guy. I love his podcast. Forget about the fucking politics for a minute and this guy would appeal to most.

This is his podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/office-hours-with-tim-heidecker/id1153746716?mt=2

Sure it's not. Sure you do. r/thathappened

So what is it about MDE that you like so much? Is it when the guys dress up like women? Do they make you feel funny? Which one is it? Is it Sam? Or maybe the blonde one? Which one made you question your sexuality and turned you into the pathetic little faggot you are now?

He's a cuck but I still like him.

Well everyone knows this post is just cuz of his beef with Sam Hyde and that he's anti-trump. That's fine if you don't like him.

We all hate you because you're on a Jim Norton sub-reddit pretending to complain about snarky non-comedy.

I've been on this sub for years and you are out of your element you retarded amoeba.

I knew bad memory is a common symptom of fetal alcohol syndrome but not even 24 hours? That must be rough.

Oh wait, you weren't even able to count 12 months so nevermind.

I agree, i am better than you.

Cry some more faggot. Make another thirty posts to show your love for MDE. I'm sure they'll accept you and make you an honorary member.

What's your favorite part of MDE? Is it all the excessive homoerotic “comedy” that gets your little dick raging you little faggot?

Kid, you're a fucking loser for a lot more reasons than that.

Someone who eats at McDonalds every day should not be criticizing what's going on at Michelin-starred restaurants.

an o&a fan who doesn't get why we need to hate on comedians who are infinitely better than the people Cumia's been getting on lately

Good one. Maybe it would mean something if you thought of that four hours ago.... Instead you had to wait til your brother got home from school and even then all you could come up with was a chip joke. Did you pat yourself on the back after you hit send? Did you & your brother high five? Fuck off loser. It's over.

Sorry I didn't hit a homerun like MDE. Hey coach, look at my ass! Now THAT'S funny!!! Le epic troll face!! PWNED!!! 420noscope!!!

Good one 😂