Bobo needs a miracle

9  2017-05-14 by Bluesmoky

Our good friend is in need of a Mothers Day miracle. Come on fellas, lets empty our pockets and shoulder the burden for the Kurlan family!!


I'll shoulder the burden of his sister's plump titties. 😎

Can he not just sit in front of a bank or liquor store and beg for money like the rest of societies defectives?

If someone bought him a stringed gray beard to put on his face, sat him down in front of a liquor store, hed make at least $500 a week

Funny how some people think a GoFundMe is a more dignified and acceptable way to ask for money for themselves rather than begging on the street. He'd make the money he needs in no time if he wasn't so lazy.

To be honest it is, he just set that shit up and forgets it, zero effort

Don't forget McDonald's and check cashing outlets!

that fucking tard blocked my 2nd twitter account. I guess tagging the company he is using while calling him a thief was to much for him.

I am glad he blocked you

This is assuming the woman wakes up today. If there were a just god now would be his time to end the misery.

Why does Aurora need therapy?

I hope he gets at least $60,000.

How can a retard be so genuinely unlikable

Because he's just retarded enough to know how to milk it and get free shit, but he's also a 40 year old man so it's hard to give a shit.

I'm waiting for No Filter Paul and his screeching wife to get the 'exclusive' interview with Bobo's mother.

leave it to the americans that their retards have to beg on twitter for donations to pay for life saving medical treatment

Fuck this retard, he blocked me on twitter for telling him that I was a fan.

Bobo needs one fewer chromosome

I really really really want to punch Bobo in the face.

If someone bought him a stringed gray beard to put on his face, sat him down in front of a liquor store, hed make at least $500 a week

Don't forget McDonald's and check cashing outlets!