Jim Norton trying yet again to fuck Mary Jean

25  2017-05-14 by falconeofnazareth


maryjeanxxxSo horny, I wish @jimnorton would leave

Fawkkin' BURIED that cocksuckah!

I don't see why a guy who looks like a giant crack baby or a starved zombie can't fuck decent looking women

I mean, he's so smooth with the babes.




And he calls them all "madam" because they are all sex workers.

Don't think this will end well. She probably talk mad shit when she realizes he isn't going to stick around/help her out, and she can certainly beat him up :).

Ha Jim is gonna get beat up by a girl. That's what you get for having a old jewish lady's diet

Jim pays her 2500$ to fist his ass and then plays coy on the air

holy shit she couldnt look more bummed

I hope he impregnates her.

These trannies are very convincing today, but good to see DeNiro's influence paying off

Why can't this sad little slug stop chasing birds 20+ years younger than him and find a nice woman from his generation to settle down with. That's partly why he's not getting any pussy.

I doubt the meaty pussies he must have age very well.

That's the thing that sucks about paying for sex.

You wake up at 50 years old and realize that you can't get your dick hard unless she's a 22 year old with anorexia and a drug habit.

Jim Norton will be paying for sex for as long as he lives.

You end up paying for it one way or another though.

Is she a tranny or not? I honestly can't tell anymore.

"Guys, I just want to find a girl who loves me. I don't understand why they think it's gross I pay to fuck D-List porn stars and escorts. They just want to take me shopping with them and won't go past a hug. Why?"

"Guys, I just want to find a girl who loves me. I don't understand why they think it's gross I pay to fuck D-List porn stars and escorts. They just want to take me shopping with them and won't go past a hug. Why?"

First comment:

"Why are you with that ugly man?"

"Give Jimmy a taste of the Dominican goodies.... LoL....the man needs help."
Agree. How 'bout a little cake fuhduh Chippah?

She looks like she is on her period.

lol you can fuck me when nobody wants to fuck me.

I new Jim Norton was scummy, but trying to steal Bill Burr's wife is one step too far.

She's an 11 compared to Bill's wife

I'll bet she's on food stamps

Not even that good looking.

Taking advantage of that poor drugged up girl..... Shame.

What a manly face she has.

She's an escort, he can fuck her for $300 and a popeyes meal

What a truly hideous pair.

Thats not an attractive woman.

She's not bad for a niglet.

I don't understand how do all these 5s have porn careers. Is mediocrity fetish so popular? There's endless supply of porn with better looking women in that niche yet somehow wants to look at this boring cunt. Why?

Garbage pussy.

Mary Jean is an unfunny twat. The only time I find her entertaining is when Sam made her entertaining on his solo show. Otherwise, she's an unstable & emotional unfunny twat.

Daniel Cormier's about to body that lil worm

I don't know what's worse - porn "stars", Jim trying to score with porn 'stars", or porn "star" fans.

This is the chick that punched the other bitch at the live show and then had a melt down on the show the next day, right? If it is then, yikes, I wouldn't touch that bitch with opies dick. She's seems legitimately whacked out of her tree insane... Lil worm is asking for trouble and drama if he fucks/fucked this psycho dumb cunt.

Yes. Jim will end it when he tastes a drink on her though

Without surgical enhancements and makeup she's a a manly 3

jesus thats pathetic

Mary Jean is black?