Comedian raises a good point

22  2017-05-14 by FlashVirus


Well, i wanna be able to call people fags without SJWs bullying me

Hide behind an computer screen like the rest of us

Nah, the rest of you are afraid of your own shadows, that's not my style.

says the guy worrying about sjws

That's the joke you worthless, inbred pile of shit.

don't get triggered because your joke sucks

It went over your head, let it go.

Send it to the New Yorker

Fawkin smaht guys amiright

If all lives matter, then why is there ever any suffering ever anywhere in the world. Fuck this prick

And why doesn't the air smell like cookies? and why do my feet hurt? and why do old people die? Dilusional faggot.

Fawk yeah, bonecrushingkisses! Always 1 step ahead of me. Craving pickles n shiznit

its the same logic as "if black lives matter than why do black people kill each other at such high rates?"

the fact that all those celler fags talk about how they hate SJW bullshit but never attack this street shitter just tells you how full of shit they are.

kurt metzger, the cum town boys, the legion of skanks. They are all friends with this curry muncher

street shutter

Looks like I got myself a new slur

Yeah they're always talking about "the PC police" without mentioning how there's hundreds of comedians doing exactly that. Jim Norton hates the sssssssssscumbag PC people who cause all this shit but won't mock Jaime Kilstein or Kumail Nanjiani or any of these known people actually perpetrating this shit.

In case you didn't realize how profound that statement was, his facial expression is there to reassure you.

"You can't really be this stupid, world" (his expression)

(((military industrial complex)))

Top notch material

Because all lives dont matter you curry smelling faggot

Exactly, it's pretty easy to make the argument that certain live matter more than others.

I'm still wondering what the fuck happened to the service, in customer service.

If you want a handjob behind the dumpster, I'm on break in 20. We here at Panera take customer service seriously

How the fuck do you post that picture of yourself with one of your quotes seriously?

If black lives matter then why do cops keep shooting them

There are quotas to fill

If All Lives Matter, why is this prick making my life worse with his material?

Haha I love this guy!

I only like comedians that I agree with politically

Because all lives do matter. But it starts with treating your life as if it matters. And that don't mean whining about someone not handing you shit. You want health insurance? Then go to school, graduate with good grades and get a job with good benefits. It's really that simple. You want to stay out of private prisons? Then stop breaking the fucking law. You don't want to be homeless? Then study hard, work hard, act right, don't do drugs, learn to properly socialize and protect your mental health. And be a better fucking parent. Love your neighbor, family and friends. Look out for them when they need help. But most of all quit being a burden to all around you. Not only do they take care of you, they needlessly listen to your nonstop fucking whining about how the world owes you everything and just never does enough for you. Stop fucking up, get your shit together and start kicking ass. This is really not some fucking mystery. It's the "white man's secret" to success. It's not white privilege. It's that if you don't get off your ass every fucking day and bust your ass for the man, you won't provide your woman and kids with food, fire, water and shelter. Your wife will consider you a bum. Your children will call you a deadbeat. Your father will call you a burden. Your mother will call you a failure. Your brother will call you a dud. Your in-laws will hang their head in shame that their baby girl could make such a choice as yourself. Only your sisters will pity you, but their husbands will always treat you as if you're a pussy.


This stunted dweeb is 34 years old, but looks and sounds like he's an idealistic 19 year old art student. Meanwhile, his relatives who are that age are already grandparents and spend their days defecating in the open street and offering us inadequate tech-support. If we're such oppressive jerks, why doesn't he go and join them?

Really makes you think.

Seriously guys. Comedians are the truth tellers of our time. Who else is going to point out things about politics and morals? Did you ever notice Donald trump is orange? Because I didn't until a 2nd generation brown comedian pointed it out

Donald trump? You mean Donald DRUMPF?

I hope he goes home and gets mauled by a tiger

Leftists seem to equate the act of murdering with the act of not taking care of every single need a person has. They do the same with abortion.

A reminder to this faggot. If All Black Lives Matter, why is Africa such a shit hole?

If All Black lives matter, why is Africa such a shit hole? Schinkle bout it...

You can always tell the brown people raised around white people because their to entire universe is about white people. This person has never hung around black people and witnessed the shit they say and do. This person has never spent any real time around any brand of Asian and witness that heinous behavior. To him it's white people and then everyone else.

"If black lives matter, why isn't there universal healthcare for black people? Why are there still homeless black people?"

The amount of immigrants that came here to escape 3rd world hell holes for a life of virtual paradise in comparison, only to have all of their kids shit on it and bitch about it endlessly is just staggering.

If all lives matter, why can't curry niggers figure out that shitting where you live and eat is not a great way to live?

At least we can say we were there fit the end of Comedy. How did we go from Prior, Carlin, and Bruce, and end up with shit like this?

Simple answer. Money.