How did Anthony Cumia's mugshot become the first image you see when you Google him?

49  2017-05-13 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


In what universe are people going to want to make memes about Anthony Cumia? They need to be 12 and fans of Ant, tss are you just talking to his girlfriend?

from google's lips ta God's ears.

Everything happening to Opie is punishment for saving this mole person from a life underground

Whoa is he wearing an unbuttoned plaid shirt with a shitty t-shirt beneath it? Does this pedophile only have 4 shirts? Jesus Christ what a trashy, ugly nigger.

This was for a court date, no less.

I think it's what he was wearing from the night before, sir.

Lol why the fuck did that become his daily outfit? It just doesn't work for a ghoulish 60 year old like himself.

For concealed carry.

alright i have to ask, i would say after my first day here i am very new to the "lore" of O and A. Now i like anthony and in a way am hoping that pedo shit isnt true but is there a story behind this? I cant find anything online so far.

He sent Amazon wish list gifts to a girl who was 13. Or so he thought, turns out it was a guy catfishing him. But Ant didn't know that.

He also went to prom with his 17 year old date, and followed the Instagram accounts of many girls who were well underaged, generally 13-17.

Pedophile? Probably not. Hebephile? Definitely. He's a creep.

..ugh, fucking anthony, i always praise this guy, guess i gotta tone that down a notch. Also now i have to google a new term. Thanks by the way.

He's can be a funny motherfucker. Or least, he used to be. But he is a degenerate and reprehensible human being guilty of many of the same things he accuses blacks of.

Most of the sites that said positive things about Anthony are so old the domains expired. So all he has is here, Wackbag and all of the news sites that showed the picture of his mugshot and perp walk.

I think he had all the sites shut down for talking about topics that he didn't approve, wack bag is the only one out there that wasn't scare of him

Safe space cumio needs his safe space

I was trying to get this one to appear, too. I don't know how this shit works. The Donald does it a lot, just post a picture and get tons of upvotes.


Because besides getting arrested and fired he hasn't done anything interesting

The best part of this picture, for those who followed his miserable downfall in real time, is that this picture of his hideous, North African mug captures the "SH..." of the "SHIT" he exclaimed, as he walked out of the lockup, hungover, saw the cameras and realised his career was well and truly over.

He was accompanied out of the jailhouse by his (((lawyer))) and, in front, his parasitic bald leech of a brother.

His lawyer's like Saaaaay, that's a nice coat...

He actually spotted a nickel on the ground and is about to chase it.

Your pic isn't a mug shot. It's a perp walk.

I know, I was trying to get this upvoted a bunch so it would also start appearing when you Google him. I was trying to be subtle since I'm assuming it would be considered brigading. I don't know, reddit has weird rules.

He is a grotesque motherfucker. He looks like this


yes you do, fuckin wop grendel!!

black lives matter to varying degrees like everybody else

His neck looks like a tootsie roll that's been chewed on.

He actually spotted a nickel on the ground and is about to chase it.

For concealed carry.