Nice positive post. Refreshing to see some optimism

14  2017-05-13 by unclepaul84


Amy is her sister in "every sense of the word"? What an idiot.

Except for the literal meaning of the word.

it's another example of her unceasing effort to make her unremarkable and completely common horse shit thoughts appear more considered and meaningful

Do you think she repeatedly sexually abused this sister too?

A little gravel in the cunt never hurt anyone

Except D-Bag. Same with sticks.

Yeast Swamp and Trichinosis


Looks like a transitioning teen boy and his butch lesbian aunt


Is Snatched going to heal your necrotic ovaries too? Fucking wonky titted flatso.

thin lips on thick women is gross

Both of those things are pretty gross on their own.

I thought it was against the law to molest animals. Including pigs.

Yes. A movie about two white women hilariously kidnapped by scary Mexicans. How healing & totally racist/ telling of the times 😑

Well if you're gonna be a Dunham sister, Lena has to go knuckle deep in your twat.

"My sister, 《in every sense of the word》..."

That bowling pin-shaped bag of meat oozes penis repellant...

What the Hanson brothers look like today will shock you.

Chris Jericho looking cunt.

This is pretty unfair of her. Even if the movie was good, it wouldn't "heal and calm" anyone. However, the movie stinks, so it definitely won't heal or calm. It'll infuriate and cause the working person to lose 10 dollars and 50 cents, a crime that cannot go unpunished.


I fucking knew it. I had a gut feeling Apatow was going to get them together. Wait for the movie/series with both of them in it. It's fucking coming. Neither of them have any career prospects, but that fucking asshole Apatow is going to try.

I was looking through the comments and oh boy was it mean. They didn't come off as very positive IMO.

They're both so hideous.

It takes a special kind of ugly to make Lena Dunham look halfway decent in comparison. SERIOUSLY WHAT IS GOING ON WITH PIG AMY'S FACE SHAPE???? ITS ROUND AND FAT YET ALSO A LONG HORSEFACE ALL AT THE SAME TIME

The replies have given me faith in humanity.

Heal and calm us? That implies youre a sensitive, enraged bitch.