Viral Spiral? The only thing that's spiralled in the last 4 years is Opie's career down the shitter. Am I right gang?

38  2017-05-13 by Crownenberg


Hot take right here.

you're not wrong

Buried the c sucker.

'am I right gang?' is now basically like talking about a 'pupper' and it's 'human'.

You're right, fam

Opie is a heckin bad radio B O Y E

Hell to the fuck yeah

Don't forget about Anthony's.

That's lazy and uncreative because nobody can disagree. I agree with you though.

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He was so proud of himself for getting recruited by them. Probably the most embarrassing thing he has ever said on air.

What's Viral Spiral? This has come up a couple times in the last day or two and I dont remember it.