I get how the Opie show might have its fans. I don't get how it has fans that heard the old shows.

10  2017-05-13 by Dennyislife


2 people can love a movie for completely different reasons

Because they don't hate Opie, he could put on the best thing you've ever heard and like 5 people here would say "Opie's show wasn't awful today"

...This place has overplayed it's hand, now outside of the cake stomp video it as no effect on him and that won't matter when he's doing some shit podcast in 6 months anyway.

We're not playing fucking cards here... who gives a shit if anything affects opie or not? He's a faaaaaag.

Oh you're full of shit, "you" might not care, but this sub cares way too much.

Opie raqio is for lady truckers.

opie does a great show, when people actually give it a chance they end up loving it. he has a great crew of comics in every single show and the energy in the room is off the charts.

That Mad Cuban guy is unpredictable! I can't believe he told that Mary caller to fuck off!!!

Dude Opie's show fucking stinks and that's all there is to it.

Is that what I said? Did you even fucking read what I wrote you fucking autist?

or hes a liar

You're a smarter man than me because I still haven't figured out how anyone would be a fan of his show.

The debacle surrounding all of these shows is similar to when a band stays together too long and then begins releasing solo albums. They may have moments that are "ok" but overall they're a shell of their former selves. And without being surrounded by the others their worst traits are emphasized that much more. I've tried to listen to these shows, including Benington, but I always end up throwing on a podcast or something within five minutes.

The way Louis talks to opie on the old shows feels like he is talking to a kid. He can't stand him and it is amazing how most folks never noticed.

I think Louie liked Anthony and shared some hobbies with him. I I heard he reached out a couple times with Anthony at least after he was fired. Never thought Louie liked Opie.

Same could be said about bitchboy and Sam. But really I think they have lost all the listeners from the old shows, and anyone with a show on Sirius will get a couple listeners

If you listen past your huge persona there is some knowledge being dropped.


To be fair, the tweet is from a fat mick.