Extra from 'Boyz N the Hood' Still Under the Delusion NASA Would Employ Him as More Than a Janitor

43  2017-05-13 by richfloss


Him and his brother should be sent to space to stop their diddling of children.

Space shuttles have air conditioners that need fixing too

He wouldn't pass a background check needed to clean the toilets

Exactly, what if he apes out

the immediate jump to violence is staggering

This apaghetti nigger couldn't pass gym, yet he thinks he could be the next Jim Lovell.

He appreciates it for its phallic shape more than the engineering.

he used to be a janitor. Didnt he just get fired for leaving work early?

They caught him sniffing the toilet seats in the ladies room.

*gender neutral bathrooms

You are correct sir.

You're being a little unfair. He could have been more than just a janitor at NASA.

NASA engineer - "Hello, Antonio. What do we have today?"

Cumio - "Ah, Professor Turner. The special today is da spicy meata balls. Just like ma mamma used to a make."

Engineer - "Sounds good. You didn't touch it did you?"

Cumio - "Ah no. They don't a let me handle food no more. I only serve."

Engineer - "Excellent. One spaghetti and meatballs."

Does this drunk fuck think they just stopped making rockets or something?

Why is this nigger so obsessed with NASA?

Pretty much every American alcoholic born in the early 60's is obsessed with NASA.

Wonder if he knows they paid for those fancy rockets with a 87% marginal tax rate on the top earners if he wants to go back to those times so bad.

He's not a top earner anymore, so no issues there.

Must be nice to feel so much pride in the accomplishments of others.

Its a hereditary trait. Bro Joe feels the same

Ant was a little kid, but I think Americans can feel pride in their tax dollars funding that. If you gave me money to start a business, and once it was successful, I turned around and said you feel pride in my accomplishments, that's real shitty.

I think Jack Parsons started off as a janitor but someone noticed his beautiful mind and the fact that he regularly had occult orgies in his house and made him a scientist.

I think you may have your chronology messed up there, bud.

Parsons just tricked a boy named ralph to tar paint his roof. When ralph said "Mr. Parsons, the fumes are making me dizzy" Parsons laughed briefly and then loudly exclaimed "Eureka! A solid fuel rocket booster!"

Ralph went on to bend wookies for punks under a bridge, 15 dollars a man he would charge.

Pretty much every American alcoholic born in the early 60's is obsessed with NASA.