Reminder: Jim and Sam made Bobo unfunny.

17  2017-05-13 by Martillo_Valentine

That 'Match Game' bit dragged on way too long. Let Bobo be the 3rd mic and drop in with Sam's pre-written lines.


chip v bobo part 2 would have been great. but to be fair bobo was in no mood for silliness

'An Unfortunate Incident'...

Poor guy was wondering whether or not he'd be able to upgrade that tablet by day's end.

Link please?

people at starbucks dont want to be served by a 60 year old crazy lady. she should seek employment at dunkin donuts at this point.

what about that godiva thing

Only faggots care about who sells them over priced shitty coffee

Those fuckin' stale creme-filled/powder-covered monstrosities washed down with muddy coffee.

Would they rather be served by some 25 year old fag with a liberal arts degree and cum still in his ass from last nights rogering?

No, because it'd be awkward having my one-night stands serve me my drink.

Rather her than some indifferent cunt my own age.

The show about her being at Starbucks was years ago, and they kick into it and it comes out of her paycheck, how does she have 3 thousand bucks in there and think that's great?

Why is being anti-union insane? It is obvious that her advancing age and overall lack of real communication skills has caused a reduction in hours. Unions have long since served a productive purpose. When kids were getting rocks dropped on their heads for 10 cents a day, they were good. Now, the Federal Gov't and OSHA make safety a requirement. Unions have hurt their members WAY more than helped nowadays. My opinion, their strong arm tactics and insistence on "union wages" hurts way more than it helps.

I understand your points, but despite abuses of the intent along the way, the fact that, yes, unions do prevent rocks from being dropped on heads in exchange for slave wages, means that, in the long run/the big picture/etc., unions are a goid thing. Don't throw the baby out with the dirty bath water.

For me, they are antiquated. However, I am "management" so I look at things in a very different light. I deal with Township, city, state, etc. governments all across the United States. Much like unions, in my experiences, it breeds mediocrity. My entire family are teachers. My mother and sister detest the Union for what they do. Again, just my experiences.

Well, you sure did pick a great union candidate to hate! It's cliche but true: it's strong arm organizations like that that give unions a bad name.

My concern goes to the overall sense that seniority must equal time and wages. I worked in Arizona. I was a Regional General Manager for a one of the properties we run. The maintenance aspect of the operation was city/union controlled. The 3rd in command for them was in that same role for 22 years. He made almost as much as I did. In non-union/city situations, he would never be in that role for 22 yrs because it would never pay that much. By the way, reason my company and I were sent in was because they were losing almost $1M a year running things the way they were. Again, just my POV

Fortunately your opinion is as worthless as it is uninformed.

As is yours man. I grew up in North Philly. Philadelphia is as Blue Collar and Union as possible. Many friends of mine are in one or the other. They are constantly laid off and constantly in "seniority" battles to work. Hostess Cakes asked their Union to take a small pay cut or the entire operation would shut down. The Union said No. They preferred to put people out of work rather than compromise.

You don't know what my opinion is, you dunderhead. Your loser friends being laid off at the Twinkie factory has nothing to do with why unions are important or not in the US.

Keep your eyes on the road you truck driving faggot.

Uh oh, looks like I've crossed another member of the Philly Crew!

I miss Chocodiles. All those "By Chocodiles Online" outfits are a rip-off, and what's passed-off as "Chocodiles" now in stores are the dame thing in name only. And no, chocolate Twinkies are not an acceptable substitute.

TIL Twinkies are made in factories.

What do you mean?

You said Twinkies are made in factories. The place were Twinkies are made are called bakeries.

Lol, no. They're factories that are euphemistically called bakeries.

Philadelphia, home of the greatest snack cake company to ever live, Tastykake!

you didn't like the ron darling bit?

Noah Syndergaard.

Lenny Dykstra

Marv Throneberry.

the worst part is sam is so clearly unfunny, but hes good at selling a fun atmosphere, so i could see certain types of people being tricked into finding him entertaining. but the match game, logically it made no sense, and in practice, it simply failed to deliver any humor. Sam was going for the whole bully thing, like mocking bobo and patty, but outside of himself and his sycophants, who could be entertained by it? the funniest part is when bobo said pee hole or whatever, and jim said cock head, so it was almost a match. that was the closest moment to actually being funny. so clearly it should be the jim and bobo show and not jim and sam.

yeah but no, someone has to run the board

and sam is on the same level as bobo and patti, it only works if people actually respect him otherwise he just come off as a bully

While I agree, bobo getting the baseball question wrong again was fucking great.

It was funny until they got into the Match Game part. Everyone's answer was the most "outrageous" thing they could think of, and none of them were funny. Troy even said "balloon knot" as one of the answers. Some variation of "Bobo's penis" was the answer from someone about a dozen times.

When he was reading his mom's letter and they were bombarding him with sound drops I laughed. That's an old O&A staple.

This is all subjective of course, but Bobo was never funny. He was one of the only things that could make me turn the show off. He was up there with "twitchels".