Rare photo of Joe Rogan drinking alpha brain dissolved in elk semen.

87  2017-05-13 by the_opester


alpha as fuck.

Once upon a time his people mined precious metals, forged some of the finest weapons on Middle Earth and built some of the greatest stone fortifications to ever be built.

Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!

And now they have come to this.

did you know that Mithril as a metal was originally created by J.R.R. Tolkien in reference to the dwarves, but he never patented the name, so "Mithril" became an extremely common name for special metal ore among tons of other stories and video games to this day?

i don't know why i brought that up, i'm just a huge faggot.

aw jeez guys my balls are drippin from all this LOTR talk goin on.

I accidentally took a semester long 400 level on JRR Tolkien. Had to read every book and his personal letters. While I didn't hate it, it might as well have been called "become a faggot 101".

Well. I guess it worked, faggot.

No kidding.

That's pretty cool. I had trouble slogging through the silmarillion, but I'm a dummy.

The Silmarillion is legitimately the worst book I've ever read.

aw jeez guys my balls are drippin from all this LOTR talk goin on.

puts on Summoning

What in the fuck is going on here?

Hey look it's /u/GeoffreyArnold

/u/ GeoffreyArnold is a short faggot

What is that thing?

Imagine you only get one life and one experience of existence and this is how you had to spend it

He has superior grappling moves though. We're fucked.

The man can go on a considerable man rape rampage if pushed for enough

What a world we live in

Kill it with fire.

Can I jizz on it first?

I mean, might as well.

On it or in it?

On it. I don't want to touch it.

Onnit, nothing can touch your alpha brain

I'm not gay but I want to fuck that thing

I'm not gay either, but I'd buy a subscription for $6 per month to watch you fuck that things mouth.

Either that "man" is VERY tiny or he is just tiny and the bottle is huge.

The heels make him look really tall.

Alpha-Brain has launched Rogan into the high 80s on the IQ charts. almost neutralizing the 10,000 other pharmaceuticals he's swallowed, injected and smoked into his body (which is like 20,000 for a regular sized man).

Well. I guess it worked, faggot.

That's pretty cool. I had trouble slogging through the silmarillion, but I'm a dummy.