Bonnie has become insufferable

50  2017-05-13 by SpurdoBurdo


take your fuckin tits out already, please

Well you did say please

I want to see her get plowed by a young gentleman of color.

You fucking hypocrite.

Look, I've got some sexuality issues ok?!

I didn't lose a leg in Nam so coloreds could go into rooms alone with whites

Its demonstrably true you dumb cunt...AND STOP EXPLOITING THE RETARDED FOR SEX AND MONEY!

She sure is acting like her sister lately. Time to log off of Twitter and spit those pennies out, Bonnie.

Related: Vos mentioned when he was on TACS this week that Bonnie tells him -- the ghetto, Junkie Jew -- that he has 'White Privilege'.

Anybody else ever noticed the correlation between how much hope a women has of success in a field and how much or little she attaches herself to grievance movements?

She grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere in Canada. She has no right to talk ill of people being white.

but as a woman she is minority. she is part of ~50%.

it really is amazing how Women think they are the same as blacks and gays huh?

Also how blacks and gays think they're the same as human beings.

They don't really think that, they just say it to piss people off. It works.

aaaah, chippa niggs and chippa fags just joshing around.

Hey, as John Lennon once sang, women are the nigger of the world.

In America, women are actually a majority. It's like 51-49.

She's crazy if she thinks we considered jews white.

She's entering her "Wall" phase, where she loses her looks and hates men.

All the comments mentioning Rich has me concerned. Do people really think that kikes are white?

More so than the hajjies

They think the Irish are White what did you expect?

You literally have to say shit like this publicly in order to get work now.

Heil diversity

I don't know who comedy could be the hardest for but if we're talking easiest then black comics are above and beyond everything.

I saw a show where 4 black guys came up and there probably weren't 30 seconds between some mentioning of them being black and the audience being white. I mean for fucks sake every single one of them started with "There's a lotta white people here tonight!" What the fuck did you expect you're fucking 13% of the population

It was nauseating to say the least.

It's as if those people have substantially lower scores on quantitative and fluid intelligence.

You either die funny or you live long enough to see yourself become a sanctimonious cunt.

stop forgetting bonnie is still a girl. Shes only cool because she fucks vos

People aren't tripping over themselves to give straight white guys shows

Well I'm cool by those standards

@cokelogic Replying to @bonniemcfarlane The comedy stage is the one place in the universe I'll concede to the idea of "white male privilege".

She's never going to fuck you, you stupid fuck.

Cokelogic is a cuck now

cokelogic always sucked dick. i never saw his "animations" back in the day but i did see some of them pretty recently and holy fuck are they bad. any middleschooler in 2001 could have made better flash videos.

Cokelogic's animations were always grotesque and awful.

Hasn't he been though? Doesn't he have the wife with big tits that got railed out by a black dude in a bathroom? I swear I heard that somewhere.

Are you thinking of no filter Paul? His wife banged a black dude in the bathroom and she was leading big a on

I thought she just sucked his dick

Ah, yes. I was thinking of him.

As obnoxious as that tweet is, I still do think she is the funniest female comedian that I have ever heard. At least on podcasts, I've never heard her stand up.

That's not really saying much is it.

That's what we call a 'tallest midget' scenario.

All a woman has to do is be attractive and talk about sex and she can make it in comedy. Even monsters can make a living doing it in alternative places like LA.

exactly. it's a built-in gimmick for them. Traditionally women aren't supposed to talk about sex, so one outrageously does it on stage, and bam, already at least 40% of the slobbering masses are into it.

They only have a decade or less left to where that even gets attention anymore because the majority of the population agree women shouldn't be shy about sex. Then you're gonna have to (gasp!) be funny.

I mean every other gander and race will get gigs just based off of skin color and having a slit. For white men, you either have to talk about how depressed you are, shit on Trump, or be gay.

Harder to find a gimmick, no built-in audience, no idealogoical favors, no bravery. Lot of "comics" have careers because they are different for the sake of it, not based on the merit of their shit.

It is so much easier you have the white guilt comic now. "Gee, aren't you third world dykes so much better than us dumb guys? HAHA GIT IT GRRRRRL! Give yourselves a hand!"

If you don't go with minority, gay, fat, woman, or liberal, you rely solely on being funny. Blue Collar has been done, but unlike the other types, it's hokey stylings aren't being rehashed over and over again.

jesus fucking christ what a cunt

Remember that time on Tough Crowd when she resorted to showing her tits while the rest of the panel made up of white males had to actually write funny material for their closing monologues?

Quit tweeting and help your sister burp back up all those tasty pennies she swallowed today.

How long until they get divorced? Once a women goes down this road it's game over.

She's hitched her car to a train that's been stalled on the tracks for 2 decades. If that didn't make her leave...

I also see vos lapping up her bullshit, whatever that may be at any moment, so he ain't leaving her

That's it exactly. Rich knows he can't do any better so she can treat him anyway she wants and he's just going to take it. A successful guy with options would tell her she's just a Canadian hick who doesn't mean shit to comedy and leave her.

wouldn't it make sense being a majority in something like comedy would make it the hardest because you don't have an automatic gimmick and have to actually be good to succeed?

Her husband used to blow guys for drugs. At worst she has a half empty comedy club. Fuck her!

I am lilly white and work two jobs just to make a fraction of what she does on a slow night.

They live in a crappy suburban New Jersey townhouse and had to borrow money from Opie to make a movie that looks like it was shot on her iPhone. We're not talking about millionaires here.

mfw I realize Bonnie is actually her retard sister's retard sister


Whatever you're doing please stop

It's funny it's kinda like if a woman doesn't make it she blames white males even though white female comedians get picked up all the time because of how hard it is for know since there is another female comic on Netflix every week. Maybe it's because you said the opposite in the past and now are trying to jump on an obvious bandwagon. Or maybe because you are old news now with a shitty documentary. Or how if anyone listens to your podcast hears you being a giant cunt 24/7

"Old news" would imply she was ever relevant. She never was.

She finally realized it last year and got bitter. The book did nothing for her, the movie did nothing for her, Lifetime is never going to inquire about her reality show again, where she's at now is as good as it's going to get. Now she realizes she's just going to age more and more so nobody will want her on TV. But those old white men kept getting HBO specials in their 50s and it's just not fair.

she liked my tweet

She's referring to @marknorm talking about his latest comedy special as he was explaining why he had to get "Amy Schumers presents " on it

and then unlike, most likely trying to figure out how to block me with her lady brain

"white guys"

alright. we get it, (((Bonnie)))

She's only married into judaism. Her retard redneck genes are still present.

She only has Jewish DNA in her the moment after she blows Vos.

It's she still trying to get on Maria Bamford's list of funny women?

Having to think about more jokes about your vagina, periods, or sex; or just about being black every day must be so hard.

Ironically one was Luis J Gomez.

"Overheard two white guys.."

Couldn't be bothered to say anything to them, gotta tweet about it though

I've never liked Bonnie, as I missed her "good" years, apparently. I did like it when she called Sam "a little shit", though, during the Kevin Pollak brouhaha.

It's obvious what this is; late in the 4th quarter, down 3 touchdowns, she's just heaving up the "Girl Power!"/PC Hail Marys, hoping some (((producer))) or female (((comedian))) with some juice takes a shine to her ol' gal sass.

She's basically angling for the role of Flo in the nonexistent "Alice" reboot that would get cancelled after 6 episodes, anyway.

She showed her true colors when Retard Gate happened. It's too bad, she had some great banter and shat on Rich with the other guys when they both were on.

It takes so much courage to openly criticize white men these days. Bonnie is a very brave woman.

PFG TV's Josh Gondelman has responded:

It was Mark Normand and some other guy that opens for Schumer. Happened on the Howard Stern wrap up.

Well she did marry Vos. Obviously those retard genes run rampant in the Macfarlane household.

I bought her book for my girlfriend, who loves women comics. Said the book wasn't funny and Bonnie seemed very unlikable and needy (constantly sucking up to famous comedians to try to be their friend). I'd like to confirm, but I'm not reading her fucking book.

She's been insufferable since the first time she was on the show 10 yrs ago. She's a boring, insecure, entitled cunt.