Beige nigga day at the Jim&Sam show

22  2017-05-12 by ScorzeMan


He had TWO choices! Comedian or PIRATE!

I like Neil and he's the one guy they rush out.

Rush out? He's on a media tour to promote his book. They got a fucking great segment with him. You don't think Jim and Sam would have kept Neil on for the whole show with Sinbad? They had 90 seconds of that later when Neil returned to say hello specifically to Sinbad. They would have kept Neil on for the whole show to have him and Troy talk about aliens if they had enough of his time.

sinbad and niggerass tyson. next week bill nye and carrot top

Underrated title

Sam is a dork but him pressing NDT at the end and exposing him as the liberal shill that he is was good. He can't claim to be a man of science and talk about gender like he did. Hell he even cited the "Baby It's Cold Outside" song as a comparison, which is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. I would love to see the better data he cited too because the only thing out there that supports his idiocy on this matter is a fake study that has never been replicated.

"Bring me a dick next time I'm in here that is actually a vagina. Then I'll believe. I want to believe."

Opie woulda been like, "ey Neil, where we at wit da gender thang? Ya know, the pans peoples, and, ya know, da gendah thang?"

Space Nigga. Get it right.

This is one exceptional Nigga.

I can't wait to hear Jim talk science with a fellow academic

Missed opportunity to have dante nero on

I saw a program where an interviewer showed some kenyan tribesman a picture of obama and said "Hes the first black president of the U.S. and his parents were from kenya"

They laughed and said, "thats not a black guy"

What about Dante Nero?