Lazy, Sloppy, and Racist

6  2017-05-12 by unclepaul84


I have no doubt this movie is god awful terrible but it's pretty rich for Breitbart to point out someone else is lazy, sloppy and racist.

If you actually read the article they are quoting liberal media sources.

They are by proxy criticizing schumer, it's the only reason the article is on the site. It illustrates how lazy they are because it'll get a million comments shitting on schumer with zero effort or even the risk of Breitbart presenting an original opinion.

We get it. You don't like breitbart.

Why do you think that excuses you from getting called a dum dum for reading this low effort boiled toast bullshit?

We get it. You don't like breitbart.

We get it. You don't like breitbart.

We get it. You don't like breitbart.

We get it. You don't like breitbart.

We get it. You don't like breitbart.

We get it. You don't like breitbart.

We get it. You dont like breitbart

We get it. You dont like breitbart


We get it. You dont like breitbart

You don't like breitbart. We get it.

You don't like breitbart. We get it.

You don't like breitbart. We get it.

Posting your comment without reading or watching the OP link is a big problem, at least say your opinion is based on nothing but the title before spewing.

I read it, homie. I read Breitbart all the time.

who is goldie hawn? says shes a veteran actress but ive never heard of her

More like Goldie Yawn or sumptin' tssssssssss

Kate Hudson's mom.

Lazy, sloppy and racist

Alright then, big shot; what does your tinder profile say?

"Still, in the apocalyptically bleak landscape of the mainstream studio comedy, the mere sight of Schumer and Hawn just doing their thing is almost pleasing enough to get a pass. Almost,” writes THR‘s Frosch"

What the fuck is this movie if not a mainstream studio comedy? It's practically the modern definition of the term.

The way she holds the gun and shows off how wide her shoulders are to the rest of her body and her fat folds is grotesque.

its like looking at bacon and bacon jerkey

"Snatched, the new skanky-titled Amy Schumer film, is recommended to all Black Lives Matter lemmings. With their childish sense of racist oppression, they aren’t smart enough to recognize how their white liberal enablers — such media folk as comedienne Schumer — live, work, and prosper according to an unacknowledged social law. More than Netflix’s Dear White People series, Snatched offers BLM believers a chance for enlightenment about ethnic-political privilege."

"What is 'Joe Cumia' ?"