Besides the tweets that got his dumbass fired, what are some other classic examples of Anthony Cumia racism?

0  2017-05-12 by [deleted]


There was that time he made a podcast all about his twitter race rants and then went on Stormfront TV to promote it.

Electric Shock OJ in blackface rings a bell.

When he did his drive home videos, he said nigger but bleeped it out.

I don't know if I'd call this "classic", but I think one of the most idiotic arguments Ant made is that he's against legalizing marijuana because "the dispensaries in the ghetto would get robbed all the time."

The time he referred to niggermania by name on air with his girlfriend in studio.

In this video you can tell that Anthony thinks that this man is a representation of the average African and that Africans are inherently dumb people. In reality the (very likely retarded) man was being filmed because it was so ridiculous and the video was made to be laughed at.

Tweeting a picture of black guys playing basketball on his cruise is really, really racist.

The birther stuff is very racist.


When he said he was racist on the air when asked if he just liked racial humor.