Was Jim or Ant worse when it came to judging music?

11  2017-05-12 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Obviously Jim would say that anything other than Ozzy or KISS was garbage. But there was something specifically cringe worthy about former Duran Duran cover band member, Anthony Cumia trying to pick apart the music of other bands.


I don't know...Opie does have huge fucking tits...so yea, he does deserve a prostate check with a hot curling iron.

(I just listened to Jimmy's 2 big music rants...CLICK IT..... entertaining shit. But i genuinely liked "Oh Dara"...and no, i haven't performed mouth acts on other men's pee pees....but my taste in music is shit)[https://youtu.be/oleC50wSBJI]

Jimmy, and it's not even close.

If people have some degree of musical ability, I'm more inclined to let their shitty taste pass because I can at least assume its informed by some degree of experience. Ant can play a guitar and can write a song, so even though he has the most typical shit Long Island taste, I can give him a pass kinda.

Jimmy, on the other hand, has aggressively shitty music taste informed by nothing other than celebrity worship and what he thinks is edgy and cool.

Both suck but Jimmy is definitely way worse.

There's a YouTube compilation of Ant shitting on Gene Simmons for making a move on Jill Nicolini and generally being a fucking immense douche, and it's sickening to hear Norton defend his idol every time Ant starts going in on him.

Everyone in the world knows Gene Simmons is a douche. You can like his music and still admit that.

Jim always prided himself on being "honest" but shit like that makes me think he's a lying fuck.

He's not lying here, he's extremely biased.

You can like his music

You really shouldnt though

I don't even know what music he actually likes. We know about Ozzy and Kiss for Norton and U2 and Nirvana for Opie. But I don't think Anthony ever said what his favorite band was. He has stuff he likes singing at karaoke, but that's different.

I know he's said one of his favorites is ELO

I can guarantee you Opie doesn't own a U2 or Nirvana album. All he knows are the songs he had to play on the radio.

Opie gets deep with the music...maannn.

When Intern Noah played his song Anthony criticized him so seriously. He at one point belived his band would be popular.

Which was insane since they started when MTV got big and most ugly musicians lost their careers.

RIP Christopher Cross

Both. Jims a faggot kiss fan, and Ant only likes his brothers shit music because of the 2 year olds Joe brings him.


Jim's infatuation with Ozzy and Kiss is absurd, specifically Kiss because they were terrible, but it comes from a place of pathetic childish infatuation and I feel that is somewhat forgivable. Jim is just stuck in a certain point in life and never grew past it.

Anthony shits on literally everything yet spends all of his time singing karaoke to absolutely horrible 80s pop songs. It's like a guy now who talks shit on other genres yet listens to 21 Pilots and Ed Sheeran or whoever the fuck. It's just hard to take someone like that seriously when they have such strong opinions on everything yet listen to the faggiest music imaginable.

Plus, I give Jim a slight pass because he did begrudgingly admit that Pink Floyd are better than Sabbath, although the only song he knows is probably Another Brick in the Wall Pt 2.

Ant has cheesy taste, but he at least knows a variety of 60s and 70s pop he genuinely enjoys. Jimmy doesn't even really know shit about the two bands on earth he likes, and seems to derive no actually pleasure from fetishizing them.

Jimmy without question. If it isn't Kiss or Black Sabbath, it stinks.

As crazy as it'll sound I'll take Troy's taste in music over either of these two, he will forever have my heart for the time he played Every Time I Die for O&A and made the hard push to get them on the show.

Tough question - I remember Anthony shitting all over the Melvins one time when a caller suggested "Honey Bucket," only to find out he actually liked it when heard it. It's not like Anthony to prejudge things.

However, Jimmy likes Five Finger Death Punch, so I give him the nod.

Fuck, now I'm listening to the Melvins.

That's okay, you're supposed to be. We all are.

If its not Sabbath or Kiss, Jim thinks it stinks.

At least Ant has band experience from when he played drums for Faith No More.

Fucking old man Gene Simmons tried to pick up Ants girlfriend...just because he was banging dumpster sluts on the road in the seventies, he must have looked like a Goblin to her... relax ya old Heb...that skewed Ants view on KISS. Dont ever meet your heroes kids, just dont....

"Obviously Jim would say that anything other than Ozzy or KISS was garbage."

You, Sir, are exaggerating. Jim also likes that one song by The Ramones.

Opie has the best taste in music out of all of them. Not even joking.

Ant loved all those MTV metal bands that Danny Ross told him were what the kids liked.

Jimmy. He doesn't like Anal Cunt.

Anthony had the "best" taste in music even though he's a typical blue-collar rock and roll-type slob.

Opie likes whatever's on the radio.

Jim is downright cretinous about music. I like Sabbath too but he's unable to admit that they've made a few real clunkers in their day and his Ozzy worship is embarrassing. He's like Eddie Trunk, stuck on whatever year it was when he thought he was "cool".