Opie unironically: "I don't think Jesse can't handle the show because he can't handle us intellectually" during the Opie & Anthony: Jesse Ventura Mockery (2010)

54  2017-05-12 by Stankysnatch82

Even timestamped it, just to prove I'm not loying 1:02:18


Opie can't be working with more than an 82 IQ.

I'm too lazy to find clip but a similarly infuriating moment was after first interview with Dr Kaku where CQ is in-studio.

The meaty breasted oaf asks "did we show some intelligence during the interview?". Colin gives a pretty thorough answer on Jimmy & Ant's performance......doesn't even mention a word about Opie, who asked the question.

And Opie gave a top 5 performance in his dumb-shit history. His questions & comments....CQ couldn't even lie to the rock head.

O: "What's on remand mean?"

J: "Held"

O: "Den why dont dey say held da fawkk?"

J: "It's British"

Poor anyone who has to work with the chesty oaf.

You forget he is a math and science genius... those types don't always articulate their words well

I've seen long videos posted without a timestamp before. This is the very first time I've seeing the inverse of that, though.

2017 represents a global paradigm shift

Guaranteed Opie pronounces this 'pair-a-digem'.

So next level that it's previous level.

I always loved when Op would throw out one of his douchey bragging quips (how smart they are, how great they are at radio, how much money they make) and how immediately uncomfortable Ant and Jim would get.

I always loved when Op would throw out one of his douchey bragging quips (how smart they are, how great they are at radio, how much money they make) and how immediately uncomfortable Ant and Jim would get. I never understood how people could enjoy Opie, he was always the one guy in the room who didn't belong.

After having introduced 3 people into O&A who are now fans, all of them revealed the biggest learning curve is overcoming Opie. Even in the beginning when you're blissfully unaware to the titanic iceberg of shit sailing into your brain from his mouth, a new listener still recognizes this blatant boasting as a huge turn off. I'm willing to pay anyone at this point to take Opie out. And by "taking out" I mean take him out to an amusement park for a nice day, NSA.

gotta start em off with cellar comic episodes cause no one could make it through a regular show. Opie was the worst thing about the show and it took me 4 episodes to tell the difference between him and ant. The only reason I knew the difference at first was cause I realized Anthony was the funny one.

Exactly. I thought the faces and voices were reversed until I noticed one of them was actually useful at their job.

Sometime in 2012

Jimmy: That song came out in 2002

Opie: Wow, 2002 holy fawk. So that's, hold on hold on, let's see. I got this math... that was 9... no, 10 years ago?!?!?! Am I right Erock 10 years ago? Yep, I got it, it's been 10 years. Hold on, yes, I'm right 10 years ago, wooooooow!

Another example of 78 IQ Opie. https://youtu.be/HfZiemfCkr0?t=39m58s

ME: Where with at with the Atlantis?

I'm putting 90% of my chips on "Opie does not know what EXTRA-terrestrial" means.


ah, the Tits' Triple Negative. classic Opster.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again: not one of Anthony, Jimmy or Opie were/are smart people.

Jimmy showed a classically smart trait in being quick with jokes, but also showed that he wasn't really willing to learn new things which is a trait of stupid people.

Anthony showed a smart person trait in knowing a lot of facts, but he was and is stupidly, boorishly tied to his preconceived notions - a stupid people trait.

Opie has always proven that he's stupid with every word he's ever said.

When they were good, they were good at being funny, but none of those three are particularly smart.

None of them came out of the Jesse Ventura saga with any credit. Jimmy killed with the "Riff Raff" line but it also gave us pseudo-intellectual Jimmy ("the commonality of language"), Ant would trash Ventura before the show and them be all "Governor sir" when he was in studio. And Opie? Fuck Opie.

None of them came out of the Jesse Ventura saga with any credit. Jimmy killed with the "Riff Raff" line but it also gave us pseudo-intellectual Jimmy ("the commonality of language"), Ant would trash Ventura before the show and them be all "Governor sir" when he was in studio. And Opie? Fuck Opie.

None of them came out of the Jesse Ventura saga with any credit. Jimmy killed with the "Riff Raff" line but it also gave us pseudo-intellectual Jimmy ("the commonality of language"), Ant would trash Ventura before the show and them be all "Governor sir" when he was in studio. And Opie? Fuck Opie.

Jesse must've seen the video of Opie intellectually schooling a 9/11 truther by saying "Don't fuck with me, dude."

O: "What's on remand mean?"

J: "Held"

O: "Den why dont dey say held da fawkk?"

J: "It's British"

Poor anyone who has to work with the chesty oaf.

You forget he is a math and science genius... those types don't always articulate their words well