@midnight having @momnight

3  2017-05-12 by lolercakesmcgee

That's fun, right?


im going to shoot myself in the head

Trump supporters are gonna get slayed by those genius female comics.

Chris Hardwick is such a faggot.

I do enjoy how he still plays the nerd gimic even though hes an attractive guy and insanely rich. comic con 4 lyfe ya hurd

Married to American Royalty

I'm still baffled by the format of this show. Like, I understand the whole "points" thing and how the competition isn't really based on objective criteria, but like, why have a competition at all? Ostensibly the only reason you'd have comedians/celebrities as guests instead of regular people is so the comedians can plug their gigs and the celebrities can promote whatever movie/tv show they're on. But then why vote one of them off before the last segment? The competition isn't on the level and the show is only a promotional tool, so why rob one of three guests an additional several minutes of being on tv?

If they did just have regular people as guests, then it would be on Hardwick to be funny and engaging and the focal point, but it's like they try to have it both ways. Hardwick takes the first three minutes of each segment to introduce the topic, then do like 10 rapid-fire one-liners on the topic, then he turns it over to the panel who get one line each. And most of the time he even tags those. Like he's insecure when anyone else gets a laugh.

Literally the only thing with a worse premise is, "Hey Travis, let's have Jim play Zelda, but not tell him the controls and refuse to help him in any way until he runs around in circles for 6 minutes and ends the bit in frustration. Also, he should be playing on a 27-inch monitor that's 15 feet away, nailed to the ceiling, and angled down towards the floor."

You seem to indicate here that a visual and audio element was not needed to watch Jim play video games. Comment?