Two weeks after that psycho bitch tried to kill herself she posted to her instagram to let everyone know her "face and ass are still in tact lol"

4  2017-05-11 by peopleforgetthat



The "healer" from J&S a couple days ago

Why do you still listen to the show?

I enjoy making myself angry and yelling at the radio

Mr. President?


Self-warming fleshlight.

She jumped in front of a train? What a selfish cunt. Does she have any idea that the operator has to live with that for the rest of his/her life? I don't give a fuck about her "intense manic episode," the dumb cunt should've been shred to pieces. Have the decency to hang yourself quietly in a basement like a dignified person and leave the rest of the world out of it.

And there's the derailments that have occurred.

Most notably this shitbag in LA.

UGH. Fuck these people. Man up and buy a gun, get your hands on some strong rope or hell, take the slow suicide of alcohol and drugs for all I care, anything other than traumatizing or endangering others in the most horrific fashion possible on your way out.

I get having second thoughts about offing yourself... but move the fucking car off the tracks.

Even when no one on the train is hurt, a derailment is still a bitch a clean up.

hang yourself quietly


Steve C should be a role model.

She has another post saying she survived the psych unit 'which was the biggest test of her strength since she was caged like an animal', she was calling the other patients with her 'lunatics'. Then it goes into a rant saying 'fuck the system' since her 'lying, idiotic and deranged psychiatrist forced drugs on her and was monitoring her like a science project'

How the fuck did she even get let out of the hospital, she is delusional as shit and probably has everyone scared to say anything to her so they aren't blamed when she finally succeeds killing herself

Don't worry, if she's friends with Troy AND only has one leg, she's bound to plunge to her death sooner or later.

I know 5 people who were thrown in the loony bin and every one of them claimed the doctors and the drugs they forced on them were this enormous evil supernatural conspiracy designed to inflict harm on them. No less than 3 of them thought they were psychic and the meds were meant to remove their powers. Probably why this retarded cunt is into all that healer crystal energy shit.

My brother went all psychotic on adderal and said the same shit in the loony bin

And Lady Di's faggot ex-husband. But I've heard train suicides are so common in New Jersey they have PSAs on local TV where conductors talk about how fucked up it is to try to get them to stop.

It's even worse in NYC on the subway, where there are dozens of suicides every year. Not only are they a bitch to respond to for the city, but a single suicide can literally make thousands of people late.

Yeah, I remember this summer some cunt jumped in front of one at Rockaway.

FAWK YEAH I pushed the pregnant bitch! DVV DVV

ive been late due to one before.

Who is dis bitch?

She just made her life worse as bad as it was before its even worse now she has a missing arm and leg.Trust me once the "'i survived because ï have a purpose'' wears off it will be much worse for her and shell try to do it again

This broken cunt sounds like an easy fuck now. Mmmmm!

I find its best to walk through life wearing dark sunglasses and headphones. This way, you greatly reduce the risk of actually associating with one of these cuckoo bitches.

How do you fail at train suicide?

According to her the cops told her she was the only person to he had ever seen survive it in his whole career....which fed into her mental illness more convincing her she must really be a healer