Awful Amy

19  2017-05-11 by ScoobyDoo4U2


I'm not a fan of this 'Amy Schumer'

Not shocking in the least.

Amy being awful in an awful movie would come as no shock to the media if they had been ahead of the curve by seeing through her hack shtick several years ago. An undeniably great entertainer with an unassailable track record being awful in an awful movie would be cause for true alarm.

Schumes showing off those feet, Yimmy would surely make this the background on his phone.

Before black people put them in a jar and eat them. PIGSFEETGETIT?

Anyone else think she's fat?

You know, now that you say it...

Does she brandish a firearm in this film? Isn't that against her religion?

Ron Bennington saying he thought this was funny makes me irrationally angry.

He is a showman. He praised the lego movie up and down but never saw it. He likes to interview directors, they don't come in without a bit of ball washing. I'm pretty sure fieg fully transitioned so I don't know.

Paul Fiegbos a bitch boy.

Ronnie is a jabroni.

I'd eat it.

That's one brave beach chair

I lost it at comedy pros

Uh-boy. When "" gets behind the Hate, then this thing must be an atrocity.

"Amy Schumer's new comedy movie is shockingly awful" - Yahoo FINANCE

Even the finance section of yahoo is givin' her the business.