why you are a faggot (35/324)

0  2017-05-11 by fecesinyourvagina

lets start with a disclaimer, im sure that some of you are actually fine decent human beings, like the ones i would have a dozen beers with and not want to kill you. im sure that most of you are actually not homosexual semen drinkers. I would wager to say that 99% of you probably would call yourself straight while 50% of you jack off to fucking shemale porn. But you are all faggots.

"why am i a faggot?"

take your eyes and move them a few inches up...see the URL in your safari browser? yep, thats why. you are unironically on reddit, and that makes you the biggest faggot of all.

"but im only on reddit for 'da show'"

wrong. youre not in here just for the show, youre on here because you generally like it. youre a fucking cuck nigger in real life and you think that this is acceptable internet behavior. well faggot, you are dead wrong.

you are the cancer. you are the faggotry. you are the fucking pussy-fucks of the internet. you enable this site, you frequent it. you love it, you live for it. if you have ever in your life clicked an upvote/downvote arrow, then its tantamount to having a nigger dick slapping your cheeks so your mouth will open to accept its odoriferous girth.

instead of posting your fucking tired hack shit like "hello ant/jim/brojo/..." why dont you actually post how you dont feel disgusted and embarrassed with yourself for being on this fucking shitstain website? even typing this im fucking embarrassed for myself that i care this much to post this shit, but motherfuckers you deserve to hear the fact that you are the lamest fucking bunch of pussy faggots that have ever had the fortune of being alive.

just go to /all and tell me you dont instantly cringe. my life is fucking corrupt because ive done it on occasion. r/blep? like bro if that doesnt make you want to stab a hipster in the eye then you should just lop off your cock and check the T[ ] box on your next medical form. (for those of you who are too stupid to figure that out it means youre a fucking shemale tranny faggot.)

if you are a true fan of 'da show' then theres no way you would be on this cancer, unless it was to somehow to try to destroy it. like you come on here and post the same shit over and fucking over and over and over to the point that it is devoid of all humor and just becomes a sad attempt at being accepted by a group of faggots for being a faggot yourself.

once and a while reading this fucking cancer sub brings a small smirk to my face, but 99% of the time it just makes me fucking rage. everything on this site is shit, this is shit, this post is shit, you are shit.

motherfuck man, get ahold of yourselves and stop fucking posting to this fucking cancer. because the whole of you just do the same shit over and over, youre unoriginal in every way, you post the same shit because you saw that other faggots liked it so you want to score your fucking points. look at these points, i would fucking be embarrassed if i had a positive redditfagpoint count. some of you have them in the hundred of thousands....that would only be cool if each point translated into how many times adebisi raped your unconscious anus.

if i could boil down the collective thoughts about this site, it would just be one word—faggotry.


  1. MEMES TO APPEAL TO ANTHONY CUMIA.— really?? youre going to post this shit every day? like whats your end game you cunt? to let us know anthony is racist, homo-hating, teenage-sucking wop trash??? THATS THE FUCKING BIT YOU ASSLICKING FAGGOT! FFS man get ahold of yourself, even i cant post this shit everyday, but you probably wake up thinking 'BOY I GOT A GOOD ONE TODAY!!! TRANTHONY GONNA BE PISSED WHEN HE SEE THIS. youre a motherfucking joke and honestly if i saw you in person i would rack my shotgun and shoot you in the dick. enough already you sensitive girl.

  2. calling out anthony about his political views.— if it means that much to you then check out this study, it may benefit you in some way. ---> SEMEN IS AN ANTIDEPRESSANT

  3. picking on BOBO— nigga, bobo is more of a fan than you will ever be. he's a fucking legend while youre just some hipster douchebag with a 'funny' username ragging on someone who is more of a human being than you will ever be.

  4. calling opie 'TITS'— we get it, hes got a fucking set of tits, it was funny once, a long time ago, for you to continually bring it up means you really have nothing else to talk about. you think that TITS is funny and will endear you to the rest of the dicksucking niggers on here, and sadly it probably does, but it doesnt make you less of a hack faggot.

  5. reddit.— like i get it, this is probably the most active OA cummunity that remains on the web, but it doesnt have to be an echo chamber for the top 5 shitposters opinions. fucking find something original to talk about ffs. it doesnt have to be the same tired fucking shit. youre not on the show, youre not a comedian. stop with the same shit and post something worthwhile for once.

MEME ALERT ->REMINDER! you are going to die. you deserve to die. most likely everyone in your life hates you and would benefit from your death. do something about it. make the world a better place and please kill yourself. please!!

as always, i wish you a horrific, painful death. if you dont die, i hope you have a child who dies so you spend your life suffering over your shit life choices that led to 'xim' dying.

fuck you, die slow


I'm sorry, i tapped out somewhere in the second paragraph . what's he saying?

just the usual message : you are a faggot

Nice try with the hate tho

This is gay


Cool pasta, can I keep it?

This reads like one of those posts that was typed out in a dirty apartment while he casually snacked on a plate of his own shit.

I'm on the app, so I don't see shit in my browser so the essay you wrote after that means nothing to me.


You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right. I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you, but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me. I'm not changing. I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.

Sorry bud, your keyboard crapped out. You wanna type all that again?

You use odd capitalization to people

always looking forward to that faggot five baby bro

Mishta keety gonna blep? Wook at mishta kitty blep aaaaaw mishta keety

Lost me at lets.