BREAKING: Bobo Comes On Air In Desperate Need Of Money Quickly Whips Out His $300 Tablet To Check His Email. FRAUD SUSPECTED.

72  2017-05-11 by ricswrangler


Anyone donating to this dope is a fool.

But enough about Jim's cartoon.

Its got an animated Chip and Uncle Paul... Animated... Chip... uh... peckahs...

Bobo and High Pitch Erik should write a book on how to scam the world and get away with it.

What about Morton

the man who sold the world, awroight?

His mother saw that icy sidewalk and thought it just might be a way to end her suffering. Poor broad lived.

Look at all that dried up cum on the screen.

How did you know I was looking at this on my phone?

It goes in the toilet, and you know it.

"What's her name?"

God, I miss old O&A.

A couple weeks ago on twitter he was begging for donations while taking in a Mets game at Citi Field.


Retarded priorities

Has somebody convinced him his TomTom is a tablet?

That or a box of crayons with a pic of his home on Google maps pasted on it

It looks like one of those shit-tier $50 Amazon kindles.

It was also reported after he left the interview he went to the roof to get on board his private helicopter. License plate, "fr33mon3y"

Great investigating u/turnthenaround "fr33mon3y" crack the code, solve the case.

Go'on naw.

Those are great for books. They weigh like 2 ounces.

They're amazing for books. Anything else, though, they're several times shittier than the average cell phone.

Can it run "Modern Combat" in full rez?

What does he need money for?

Jimmy said it best "to use at BestBuy"

Pot, kettle

Mets tickets.

His mom fell and now has to pay Co pays upwards of $25 to get medical treatment

He's going to make a cartoon with it.

Mr Maloonigan's Wacky Adventures will come out sooner than the Chip Chipperson Show

Well I am shocked and appalled.

He probably stole it from UPS.

Hey now, he's no brothers Cumia.


Bobo needs to take a cue from Intern David and fade mercifully into Bolivia.

Wish he'd take a cue from Steve C.

I'd settle for Tippy Tom.

More like Bobolivia or sumptin tss

Maybe Bobo was actually SelfCuttingGirl?

I'm not loying, I'm only 14 awlright!

Nothing would make me happier than finding out that it was Bobo giving Ant a stiff dick back then.


Yeah those 7" Asus Android tablets are a sure sign of affluence, you broke dope.

Don't be sorry you donated, it's okay. You got him a nice Asus 7" tablet.

Stop mistaking objects only a poor person would use for status symbols. It makes you look like a broke fool.

I just noticed it's you replying, how fucking stupid can you be? Are you new to the show? Do you think that some of the posts on here are actually real? You fucking moron I don't give a shit about how it makes me look.

I just noticed it's you replying

What on earth did you mean by that piece of idiocy?

It means I've spent way too much of time on you truthie. Please tell me you're a chick, it would explain alot.

Lol, what a terrible explanation. So three comments is a lot of time to you, and a $100 tablet is a luxury item to you. I can't even hazard a guess at what kind of loser dunce you must be to have such humiliating perspectives.

You've obviously taken this post to heart.

It's bothered you in a manner that it shouldn't have and now your feelings are hurt. It's okay, I see where you've taken this and over analyzed it way too much. However, do you honestly think I give a rat's ass in what the retard paid for a tablet? See, the JOKE is that he's asking for money on a nationally syndicated radio show that for years has made JOKES at the expense of slow witted, unfunny cunts who believe their cause is all that matters. Did you listen to the show? If you didn't, one of the first things that was mentioned was that this tablet appeared new, so they made fun of him while putting him through a contest in which he lost. Probably on purpose. During their appearance the conversation went as far as to ask him to sell it and use the money for his mothers expenses. They followed this by promptly and mockingly putting it for bid for 50 dollars by Roberts and Travis. All for the sake of our entertainment, much like MY post and many others like it. It didn't entertain you, fine. Move on. You've chosen to be in the minority here by insulting me by saying I was cheap for JOKING about the cost of the tablet, as well as not supporting the tard. No dummy, I just made a post and attempted to make fun of the situation.

Lighten up, Francis.

Haha, what virulent strain of autism do you have that makes you think I'd read that rambling, tearful rant? You really love humiliating yourself!

I guess the same one you have?

Haha, what is someone as hopelessly unfunny as you even doing on this sub? Are you a true Opie fan or somethin?

So if you get sick in the US, you need a gofundme? I don't get it?

more or less, yeah. typically you have people have insurance/work a job/have the means to cover their expenses, but most would rather just beg for it on the side of the internet road.

He mentioned she has co-pays on twitter so she has insurance and it sounds like she is past her deductible if she even had one. He's just being a pos

nah you get it

And yet indigent, blue collar dopes like Bobo are usually the most vocal opponents of socialised healthcare. If he lived in the UK, for example, his mother wouldn't have to pay a penny. They wouldn't even ask her for her name.

My cousin's faggy british husband says the care in the UK is akin to "take dis here aspirin for yer browkin arm, and wait 6 months to see the owthwopedist guv'nuh? All bettah, righ?"

But he's a rich banker, so he's an honorary Jew.

That's American health care too these days. Doctors are literally afraid of prescribing pain medications. I have to care for elderly parents and doctors are literally saying they are afraid of losing their license by keeping the prescriptions they have been on for years and are entitled to for quality of life

Kinda weird, cause here it seems like it's the opposite. They used to be afraid of it, but now treating pain is priority number one. Treating addiction afterwards is easier. But we don't have a opioid epidemic.

I had to pick up some pain meds for a family member the other day. A dozen percocets i think. I have to call in directly to a doctor, not the pharmacist, wait for the doctor to get the request each month then give his consent to a very limited amount (12 a fucking month), travel to that doctor's office to physically receive paperwork that is signed by some DEA pussy(it actually has a Sig field labeled "DEA"), then return that shit to a pharmacy and wait until the pharmacist fulfills that end of the shit fuck process. Here, it's you who suffers for idiots who overdo the abuse thing.

We've got digital prescriptions now here. It's really great.

I genuinely feel very bad for you Americans. It's become such a shit situation that people are dying way too early. I wish you'd fix it. But I guess it's now so intrenched that you can't fix it.

If that's what he actually said, he's talking shit.

Is the NHS perfect? Not at all. If you want a minor procedure like, say, getting a mole removed, you'll go on a waiting list for a month or so. If you have BUPA, or some other type of private coverage (which still doesn't cost very much) you could get said minor procedure taken care of immediately.

If you're actually ill or injured, anything from cancer to a broken arm, you'll be taken care of immediately and well. The NHS has saved the lives of 3 people close to me, so I don't have much bad to say about it. And most importantly, you've already paid through your National Insurance (in your taxes), so you don't have a bill waiting for you when you leave. No one gets bankrupted for getting sick.

Same with Canada. Then again, we pay 25-50% income tax, unlike the Americans who complain about 10-15% and write off everything. We also pay 15% sales tax on any purchase, but 0 people go bankrupt due to medical bills, compared to 3 out of 5 bankruptcies in the US or over half a million estimated yearly.

The only people who pay 10-15% here are people who make less than $38,000. Both Canada's and the US federal levels are pretty similar, and your rate is actually much friendlier to people who make over 200k.

However, your provincial rates are bananas.

"The NHS has saved the lives of 3 people close to me, so I don't have much bad to say about it." I do...

Go on then, mate. I'm fortunate enough to have only had good experiences with it. Not everyone does, I'm sure.

Was the joke not clear? I meant that it's a shame your loved ones didn't die. sniff every time I gawta explaine da joke it loses a lihul bit of da bit, FAWK!!

I don't appreciate that kind of yuma. It's mean-spirited and certainly has no place on this good-natured sub.

I don't know about the UK, but in Norway it's pretty good. Also you can pay a slight premium (over zero) and get private healthcare. When that's not expensive

You get what you pay for, chum.

See this is what I don't get, but I don't understand the American healthcare system well (and I'm American).

You have to have insurance, or else pay a tax penalty. Is Bobo's mom paying a tax penalty? I doubt it...or does she have insurance, but it doesn't cover injuries from slipping? I doubt that too.

Or Bobo could just be lying through his thick wet lips...but he seems too autistic to lie like that.

So I don't fucking know.

So you're telling me a mentally retarded man is bad at managing money?

What does Anthony have to do with this?


Not loying... it was an unfortunate... mishap... awlright?

C'mon, whats the poor little feller supposed to masturbate to!

Fuck this retarded-acting faggot. I hope he gets stabbed to death by a spic on a bus.

That's a $159 tablet you exaggerating faggot.

You're like Patty or Lady Di when they answer jokes, dummy.


Actually kids, Its a cheap NeuTab Air7. I bought it for him just over a year ago for under $65USD.

If money is this tight for Bobo now as a result of his mom's accident, how is he going to make ends meet after she dies?

Lydia the Psychotherapist bought that up once and Bobo said he recieves "benefits".

$300 tablet? What year is it!?

Perhaps he purchased it before the money problems?

And now he can sell it to fix the money problem


Bobo is a real dunce.

He's not loying alroight

I was afraid people were actually going to donate to this but was please that he only got $245 for today

It worked for Jimmy. .Suckers

I can get hating Opie, Anthony, Jimmy, Joe DeRosa, Erock, Danny Ross, Sherrod Small...

But hating stupid, stupid fucking Bobo? Fuck off.

No one's hating, stupid.

Thats not Bobo thats Batman

Was the joke not clear? I meant that it's a shame your loved ones didn't die. sniff every time I gawta explaine da joke it loses a lihul bit of da bit, FAWK!!

I had to pick up some pain meds for a family member the other day. A dozen percocets i think. I have to call in directly to a doctor, not the pharmacist, wait for the doctor to get the request each month then give his consent to a very limited amount (12 a fucking month), travel to that doctor's office to physically receive paperwork that is signed by some DEA pussy(it actually has a Sig field labeled "DEA"), then return that shit to a pharmacy and wait until the pharmacist fulfills that end of the shit fuck process. Here, it's you who suffers for idiots who overdo the abuse thing.

Stop mistaking objects only a poor person would use for status symbols. It makes you look like a broke fool.