Looks like Tits and his disciples are boozin' on the job

14  2017-05-11 by Chip_dipperson_tss


People about to lose their jobs do drink a lot of alcohol.

I don't have a job.

Old Rasputin is a really good beer.

Solid Russian imperial stout. Other options are: Founders breakfast stout Green flash stout Evil twin biscotti break

Opie is a fun company when you are shitfaced.

I refuse to believe that.

The comments on that picture makes me cringe.

YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!! College radio shock jocks drink'n on the radio. They're wild and crazy. He even calls the seat that he sits in with his ipad in front of him, a battle station.

Those microphones ARE battle-tested, to be fair.

I saw the Old Rasputin and thought Wow, Opie has upgraded from the grapefruit shit. Then I saw his mongoloid face in the background and realized it was the Mad Cuban. Drinking at work, dude is straight up MAD, I tells ya.

lol @ Opie wearing 2 shirts in the background.


Think they would suspend him? We should find out.

Who's his guest, Lady Di?

I'm calling to congratulate Lady Bluhhh

Check out the empties Mahnn

It's a hang

cant wait for oct!

Opie looks soooo sad in the background..


Their just having a hang & drinking some beers. You know, just being bros.

What's in that sandwich? Baby shit?

all they do is drink and eat hoagies...

Half a shot missing from a Mickey? Don't get carried away, Opie.

I don't have a job.