SafeSpace Creator Anthony Cumia Takes on "Progressives" For Their SafeSpace-Creating Ways; No Irony Present At All

26  2017-05-11 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Note the time posted. 2:43 AM on a Wednesday night arguing politics with randoms on Twitter.

He's not the brightest.

''Live in a bubble'' says man that owns a 'compound' he never leaves.

Also, seriously question, is this whole 'progressive'/'liberal' thing just retards on twitter/the odd person on college campus? I swear most of the people I've met don't know/give a fuck about any of that shit - it literally never ever comes up in conversation. I'm beginning to think it's just too sides of a retarded coin, both extremes arguing with each other while 95% of the world is oblivious to half the shit they're even talking about.

Mentally stable and functioning people, right or left, don't spend their time raging on social media at all hours of the day. It's not how productive people live. While both extremes argue on social media the functional 95% of the planet are trying to do things.

I feel the same way, except part of me wonders if there are actually a lot of these people but they're too embarrassed to talk about it publicly.

"too sides of a retarded coin"

"Just shut them out" says crater face as he pounds the block button with his greasy wop finger.

That's absolutely what's going on. Most reasonable, balanced people aren't crusading on Twitter.

In fairness, if I were him I'd rarely leave the house as well. The world is a big scary place for ol' tranpa.

Last time he left the house he got his ass kicked by a black woman. He's a pussy.

You're right, but it's people on the sides of that coin that guide laws and government policy. The vast majority of people don't care about this shit but that makes them easy to manipulate; it's only the extremes that give a shit enough to phone up companies and get people fired, or pressure their elected representatives, or campaign or protest or do any of this shit. It's slow and incremental steps but over time these people can change cultural norms or make that average not-giving-a-shit person think twice about doing or saying something. A lot of people write this shit off as a crazy vast conspiracy, but it doesn't really need to be vast to have an effect. It's like the media, is there a vast multi-level conspiracy to not cover a certain issue? Well, maybe but it seems plausible when you consider you only need to get a handful of editors on your side and the rest of them just report what each other say anyway.

You sir are correct all this progressive / alt right faggetry is only on the internet. In real life no one gives a shit

"I enjoy the many assholes of Liberal entertainers."

Fixed your typo you drunk.

Has Anthony ever been on a college campus? I would assume the HVAC was residential.

Anthony literally lives like Hitler did at the end of the war.

He literally does the same exact thing. Fucking moron.

Sue Blitz


Sorry guys... a littlHAHAHHHAHA

Blocking on Twitter isn't a big deal. Setting a campus on fire is. Calm down, faggots

What does setting a campus on fire have to do with what he wrote? Retard.

You all know,it don't take a lot to ignite propane.

You're crying about him blocking you from tweeting him, waa waa

What a mentally ill old man he is.