Colbert audience cheers Comey firing, before he corrects them

70  2017-05-11 by DoubleGunsSockCucka


save that shit for a sub who gives a fuck


Those retards in /r/television are still on this guy's side, locks anyone that says this isn't some blatant bullshit

To be fair, the other side is for mouth breathing twats who never left the farm.

like Colin Quinn right?

that fucking retarded conservative


If you're triggered by Colbert, maybe it's time to get a grip.

really taking this guy to task

You have low standards

We should probably victimize him before he kills himself.

No one is getting triggered by Colbert, people are just tired of his faggotry.

Trump is also a faggot that deserves to be laughed at. Stop being so sensitive.

I'm not being sensitive. I don't give a fuck about the Trump hate. But every late night host and TV show bashes Trump relentlessly and it's stale. They're a bunch of fucking babies that are still throwing tantrums because Madame President didn't win.

You're right, most are fucking garbage. But the guy is going to get bashed, it just comes with the territory. So if someone's going to bash trump, at least let it be one of the funnier people.

None of them are funny anymore. They all became Christian moms

Dont try to turn that word around, ok snowflake?

Don't try to turn this around, you're the ones crying.

Snowflake? ATTENTION we've got another Brother Joe child spitter here!!

I was actually excited when Stephen first announced his late night show, I loved Colbert report and anything else he would be on like tough crowd or anything like that he was really clever and hilarious. I hate how big of a shill he's become, plus I feel the writing for the Colbert report was 100x better

He also created the Ambigously Gay Duo on SNL back in the day. Shit was funny

Comedy nerd correction department here: Actually the guy behind that and those other SNL cartoons was Robert Smigel aka Triumph the Insult Comic dog (and used to do all the celeb mouths on tv screen on Conan years back) Colbert and Carell just did the voices.

Smigel was one of the last funny people (other than Norm and CQ) I can think of associated with SNL. His stuff on Conan was gold in the 90s and his cartoons were sick and twisted. Triumph was great too, always thought that guy had some fucking balls on the level of that Ali G/Borat the way he fucked with people.

Damn, I stand corrected. It gets a lot of shit here, and usually does deserve it but I still watch SNL. Its not that great anymore but something about the format of it or maybe just nostalgia that makes me turn it on.

"Comedy nerd correction department here: "

Guy on reddit here: kill yourself.


Civilian detected.

He was hilarious in Strangers With Candy

Exit 57 is worth checking out too

My nigga

  1. Write post
  2. Select community
  3. Choose r/the_donald
  4. Hit post
  1. Banned

I appreciate you making a list, but I think something making fun of the insanity of the left doesn't make you immediately pro-Trump! Also, I don't really appreciate your crummy list!

Holy fuck... how many alts do you have?

people treat politics like sports now.

"Is that guy on our team? What he's not? Oh BOOOOO!"

Shocking commentary taken word for word from almost any commentary discussed on /r/politics over the past 6 months. You've got eye for news gumshoe, contact me to hear more!

Who cares about fucking politics. Donald Trump is a perfect President. Richard Simmons should be made First Lady immediately. Let MC Hammer be Secretary of Treasury, Charles Manson of defence and Dennis Rodman US Ambassador. Legalize all drugs and replace tap water with vodka. Commission mandatory country wide all aged sex orgies and make Opie illegal. Then we can all party our way out of this pointless fucking existence together. Just one giant metaphorical Congo line to a mass grave. 🤗

Did Colbert actually used to be funny or was it just because I was in middle school?

Go watch his tough crowd appearance, he is hilarious


His writers are shit but he himself is pretty funny in my opinion.

Man people really are ignorant. And that's fine.

Why do people pretend like they know about this shit? What does that get you?

A smug sense of superiority.

That 6000 fps camera really catches him between blinks niceley

He really is a compulsively blinking little slug.

Filler for your morning radio show or you afternoon podcast.

If I need filler I just play Scorch audio. Or take phone calls from Lady Trucker and Steven Bayshore. Or try to incite a Vos bashing. Or talk about my mother's mental illness. Or pretend I'm Howard Stern's rival. Or dress like I'm the lead singer of Train. Or grow a pair of tits.

It's not fine, because they still vote. I have no problem with ignorance, but I have a major problem with assholes who vote knowing nothing about economics, foreign culture, geography, etc. We see this repeatedly with war. Meatheaded jackoffs submit our troops for wars in places they can't even spot on a map. People still dont know where Iraq is nor do they understand 5000 soldiers and 100,000+ Iraqi civilians were killed because of it. That's not just some passing ignorance. That's fucking evil.

Alright Bill Hicks take it down a notch.

Can you go into more detail on this? Been looking for a good splain on for over a decade now.

Their audiences are what I cant stand most about these shitdick political late-nite comedy pundit shows. Like fucking trained seals with every mention of a right-leaning person (BOOOO!!!! HISS!!!! BOOO!!!) but then comes the mention of any lefty, black person, or trans woman or other assortment of LGTB freak and 50 seconds oh WOOOOO!! STANDING OVATION!!!! SO BRAVE!!!!! fucking daily show has ruined 90% of comedy, thats where the birth of "clapter" started I believe.


Being annoyed and feeling nonconformist from television audience? How brave of you. Pathetic.

as network TV slowly fades into obscurity, much like a certain large breasted man's raqio dealings.

this guy is a paid propagandist


This sums up the indoctrinated elements of this subreddit so well.

The ones who constantly talk shit about high school drop out Anthony and non college educated Jimmy.

Only someone that went to college and was forced to take Political Science and Sociolology should be qualified to discuss issues within their own country.

I think you're all a bunch of jealous faggots because you "education" left you in a dead end shithole existence and you hate yourselves.

I hope you all die soon.

There's a whole lot of insecurity in this post.

What did you major in, character?

All the way down to non stop complaining about some old wop dressing like Malcom in the Middle. WE GET IT!

What are you forced to wear at work? (A Panera shirt LOL!)

I hope you can find peace in this life, friend.

I'm at peace, sir. I just like calling out people like you.

Fucking hypocrite.

"To be fair, the Native Americans are one of the few groups in America who aren't pissed off and loud enough about the way they've been treated. However, there's not very many of them (because of both literal and cultural genocide), so the liberal kike media doesn't give a shit. If there's one cause in this country worth supporting, its theirs." /u/HookerMouth82

Explain the "literal" genocide first, then I would love to see you explain "cultural genocide".


That comment right there proves my original point. Anyway...g'head.


Still waiting on an explanation of "Cultural Genocide" since I know you can't back up your claim of a "literal" genocide.

What culture? Do you think stone age tribes that went to war with each other all the time had some monolithic culture in the Americas?

Your Sociology degree is worthless, faggot.


Yer gay

To be fair to these people, they have applause signs. If nobody is clapping and cheering they'll just make them do another take. Some audiences are really fucking terrible though. Say what you will about Bill Maher but he is often openly antagonistic toward his own liberal audience.

Who gives a fuck, this isn't /r/the_donald or /r/politics


Trump is playing a good game of Chess. Probably because he has the Russians helping him. When he took over, he knew he could fire Comey when ever he wanted. Due to the fact that liberals were all calling for him to be fired. But Trump waited to see if Comey would go easy on him and not fully investigate Trump to save his job. When he didn't do this, Trump fired him. And then liberals find it somewhat hard to complain since they wanted him to be fired a few months ago.

He also created the Ambigously Gay Duo on SNL back in the day. Shit was funny

Exit 57 is worth checking out too

I'm not being sensitive. I don't give a fuck about the Trump hate. But every late night host and TV show bashes Trump relentlessly and it's stale. They're a bunch of fucking babies that are still throwing tantrums because Madame President didn't win.

If I need filler I just play Scorch audio. Or take phone calls from Lady Trucker and Steven Bayshore. Or try to incite a Vos bashing. Or talk about my mother's mental illness. Or pretend I'm Howard Stern's rival. Or dress like I'm the lead singer of Train. Or grow a pair of tits.