Why won't Dipaolo take credit for ruining Opie's career?

28  2017-05-11 by OochyWally

Opie was so mad that Jimmy's friends Nick and Bobby made him feel small that he spitefully brought DL Hughley on as a fuck you to Jimmy, but it backfired. Now Opie's career is 5 months from being flushed down the toilet. But Nick gets all bashful as he steals Opie's replay hour. Won't be long before Nick steals Opie's afternoon drive time slot too. First guest on Dipaolo's show Monday: DL Hughley.


doesn't want to jinx it yet

A link to the evidence, if anyone needs it: https://youtu.be/uGUg6xfV9Mw

It's so good how his half-put-on "destroyer character" falls flat because he can't keep the reality that he's a total douche out of it.

"Okay motherfucker you wanna plaaaayyy?" How the fuck did he convince himself that shit would be entertaining to anyone.

because it was either lying with the whole "that's the bit" thing or being honest (ha!) and admitting he was aware of his unfunny, unneeded presence on the show.

but we all know that. just fun to say.

The day he is finally axed will be the most glorious day in this sub's history. I'm so excited.

I'm in 2 minds about how I feel about this inevitable day.

What if it means he fades completely into obscurity and people forget what an utter piece of shit he is and was?

I've enjoyed hating him. It's yin and yang. His awfulness is a necessary evil that balances the small amount of good stuff we enjoy.

I'm just not sure how I'll feel when, along with his family and everyone who ever heard of him, I don't hate him anymore... I just "nothing" him.

He will attempt a comeback show with Anthony or at the very least a podcast with Sherrod. There is no way that fat titted narcissist is OK with obscurity. Especially not being forced into it.

Dipaolo takes cash only...


Fawkin home run

Because he's too busy ruining his own.

because hes too busy hitting that crying baby soundboard clip over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and also because dopie isnt a libtard