Clip request - Louie & Patrice pretend to be black women who are unimpressed with white penises.

11  2017-05-10 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

I can't remember what show it was but there's a bit where Louie is impersonating this black chick who's telling a white guy pull his prick out.

He says "Ah said take yo dick out. Man gimme a thousand dollars just for havin' to look at that shit."

Patrice cracks up and I remember it was a great episode but can't place it.


Yeah, it was the same clip where Opie interrupted a funny conversation with "HOLD ON" and had large breasts

Found it.

Share it you niggardly nigger.

It was a joke, you moronic moron.

Read the comment it was responding to.

ME: I godda set dis up fer evurybawddie!

I just listened to some old Patrice episode and they were joking around. Someone made a joke. Opie then started screaming:

"FAAAWK! I'd be funny if I knew words! I never know the funny words!"

Followed by an awkward silence.

My point is: fuck Opie.

I don't know how Patrice ever managed to do the show again after Opie's "spinny spin! Spin spin!" comment. I'm convinced that the stress of not killing Opie for that is what caused Patrice's stroke.

i think, those chains are made of tensile steel or racists on xbox/louie loses it

2 great episodes so even if it's not I'll still give them another listen to.

its slave girl, with francine

That, or Their hands look like guns.

I wanna say that was the slave girl episode. Not sure though

"You're dick's so small you owe me a thousand dollars"

Prime Louie was the funniest motherfucker.


" Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah you said his dick's so small she said gimme a thousand dollars! "


Sometimes I forget how funny Anthony, Patrice and Louis CK were on these shows, then I listen to an old one and remember. I could listen to them all day.

2 great episodes so even if it's not I'll still give them another listen to.

That, or Their hands look like guns.