How are you guys liking this season of Better Call Saul?

0  2017-05-10 by JMueller2012

Last night's episode was some of the best TV I've seen in a long time


I don't watch much TV but I really enjoyed season 2 and am loving season 3.

One of my favorite shows ever. Better than BB.

It blows my mind how it was originally pitched as a comedy

Breaking Bad is my favorite show of all time but Better Call Saul is outstanding in itself. It's nowhere near as sensational or as fast paced but once you cast aside those expectations and get down with the quieter, more personal story, it's a lot of fun.

It's set only 6 years prior to Breaking Bad so everything that establishes Jimmy as Saul as well as Mike and Gus' partnership has to be up and running sooner rather than later anyway. We had two seasons where the old show hadn't yet bled through so now feels like an appropriate time. I think Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul will be more or less merged by season's end. And yes, last night was astonishing. It's just as emotionally harrowing as Breaking Bad but not viscerally harrowing/violent.

Season 3 has been great so far. Need to watch the latest episode still

Great episode

Episodes 4 and 5 of this season have been top notch. It has seemed to hit most viewers the same way, and many of us have 7 years into this journey for it to all be seemingly coming together. It took 2.5 seasons to break Chuck, brilliant stuff. So many things I liked about last nights episode but they do the subtle things so well, Howard was great on the stand.

I think they're starting to phase Chuck out of being the main antagonist

Great episode