Eddie Bravo is a retarded cunt

38  2017-05-09 by Crownenberg


Two of our generations greatest philosophers

Cocksucker thinks he's profound just because he acts like a passive contrarian.

Flat earth believers may be one of the most retarded groups of society.

A conspiracy theory literally created in order to discredit conspiracy theories

That's a special kinda stupid.

That being said our government IS run by inter-galactic/demensional pedo-vampires hell bent on resurrecting the anti-christ thru baby dick blood offerings to Molarch. Look it up sheeps

When they finally resurrect him, you're going to be feeling silly for not being all-in.

And they are turning the frigging frogs gay

That being said our government IS run by inter-galactic/demensional pedo-vampires

Ant doesn't run shit.

He borderline ruined the Alex Jones appearance.

I never want to hear his voice again after that.

Prove it.


invoking the michelson-morley experiment to say the earth is flat is the holy grail of stupidness.

The fucking guy believes every conspiracy that is brought up. His big point when arguing is look into it.

He believes in every conspiracy theory and his reasoning is that the government lies. That's what it always comes back to, that and "I don't know, nobody can know, but it's probably true!"


Followed by look it up.

I've grown to despise the dude.

And they say that weed doesn't damage your brain...

don't blame the drug

You know its bad when Joe looks like a genius in relation to you.

The entertaining aspect of conspiracies is how the more absurd they are the more the conspiracy theorist has to rationalize and explain how said conspiracy can be executed and subsequently covered up. Eddie doesn't do this- he just rambles and goes, "yeah man, what the fuck! Who knows? I'm crazy! Who knows what's really going on? Dinosaurs? No dinos? You wanna know how I know there's no dinosaurs? Man I don't know, I just don't see it." There's nothing entertaining there it's just some big googly-eyed spic rambling for hours without making any coherent point. Whereas with guys like Alex Jones, Icke, and even Eric Dubay you can listen to for hours and not get bored.

Every time he said "I'm crazy" it was right before he went deeper into stupidity and threw out some insane justification.

UFC is fucking retarded, so this guy being a part of it is not surprising. Bunch of pseudo intellectual meatheads.

I like how Joe Rogan conveniently forgets or half ass pretends he didnt swear up and down just a few years back or whatever, that the Moon landing was fake and other such nonsense. He used to believe all this dumb shit too. Now he's just switched it out for swearing by things like Alpha Brain fake medicine haha

Rogan didn't forget, he's actually admitted he was wrong and dumb. Which makes him full of infinitely more potential than anyone who ever sincerely entertained the idea of Pizza Planets

He admitted he was wrong, but when Neal Degrasse Tyson was on a few years ago (older studio, not the most recent Tyson appearance), Tyson called him out on it and he got really defensive and was like '...yeah I was wrong but man, when u watch those videos and see those pics it DOES bring up some questions'-- and then he went on to bring up a bunch of other dumbass circumstantial stuff. Point being, he hates to be proven wrong/the conspiracy retard is still very much alive in him, he just squashes it down more now to seem more "intellectual"

I think he does it in this one too doesn't he? Eddie says it was fake and Joe agrees with him.

If the earth is round, then why doesn't my car roll.

What possible reason would there be to lie about the Earth's shape? To sell more globes?

Flat-Earthers have to be the most retarded conspiracy theorists, because at least there's a motive--no matter how stupid--behind a lot of the other conspiracies.

to hide more land, or to hide "creation", that this place is unique and not just another planet. a "flat earth" means big bang, evolution, all of that goes out the window.

You can't even wrap your head around the fake theory, but you're so confident you know what it is...

The fuck does this have to do with the O&A universe that has broken into little pieces of subshitty universes? MODS!!!

i watched this whole hings yesterday. was so angering when he would smugly close his eyes and say " well i guess you haven't looked into it "

Over the past 2 weeks or so anytime I want to get angry I've put this hour on. It's easily one of the most infuriating things you can ever watch.

It's hilarious to watch people flare up like broads about this. It's hilarious and he is like a cartoon character, and you're all upset because you want people to know you know what gravity is. So smart.

He says he started going crazy when he learned there are more Jews than Catholics, which isn't true THANK GOD.

No matter how wacky the proposed conspiracy is, the number one indicator to whether a person will believe it is whether they believe in other conspiracies. It's no coincidence that if a guy is a 9/11 truther he also believes that we didn't land on the moon. Numerous studies show it's a personality disorder to just dismiss the "official" narrative and go with the conspiracy. So it's laughable when dopes like this start throwing around the word evidence.

No matter what the evidence is, they will always go against the official story. Finding evidence to support their contrarian stance is always adhoc.


Followed by look it up.