Norm Macdonald Amy Schumer'd Jim Norton.

0  2017-05-09 by sgorman515

Exact same suicide bit


good. fuck Norm.

Could you please give less information? This post is overwhelmingly informative.

Both Norton and norm have a joke about blaming a random person in a suicide note. In norton's newest special it's Murray in hr. In norms special its Abernathy the barber.

They also both have a joke about telling he truth sarcastically to avoid having to lie. Both jokes are very similar. Both jokes are on their newest special.

It could be parallel thinking.

It seems like you have all the info, why wouldn't you just post it in the first place?

Worm does have a great alibi...he says that he never listens to other comics. I doubt he has the balls to go after him tho.