A glamorous and extravagant night at Casa de Cumio, 1:30 AM on a Monday

34  2017-05-09 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


This poor blind girl hates her daddy.

Judging by what's on the television she must be playing some old man sex simulator.

It beats having real old man sex with Anth.

judging by you thinking it's plugged into the TV, you are playing an old man simulator too.

Nothing gets past you, detective.

Id love to know what the Cumia family crest on the wall says.....

"Black By Popular Demand."

''There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger''

"I am my brothers keeper"

"Honor thy brother and thy dopey childhood promises."

"Shut the fuck up Ro!"

Non sumus nigri.

Tunicensi Pugnantes Culter

"Eyes without piss, we triumphantly claim underage virginity"

I would buy all that shit if I was rich and alone. Sucks that I have a family that loves me and shit.

And that you'll never be rich.

A flat screen, occulus, and a 5k sqft "mansion". Real rich.

Does he still call it the compound despite it being the only building besides the pool house on the property?

Not only calls it that, he named his "media company" after it!

Wow, I just realized this is the first media company that can't be called a (((media company)))! I'm sure this guy's going places!


I'd still take his house, his money, and his guns.

What guns?

You mean before he marries his niece and she takes half?

his guns

Well, you're in luck if you work for the Nassau County PD.

The term you're looking for is "McMansion".

Get a load of this guy and his overwhelming cognitive dissonance thinking his shitty family is somehow worth something.

"A boring old man tried to talk to me but luckily I escaped into a world of virtual reality."

De is for Spaniards, and Latinos.

Di is for Italians, and subhuman Sicilian trash like Anthony.

Spics are lower than Sicilians, dude. Consult your ethnic guidebook.

What kind of a faggot order a custom calendar with his cats photo on it

A lonely one with no family.

Probably a gift from a listener


How old are you?

I feel this is like one of those 'can you spot 9 things wrong with this photo?' pictures except with white trash.

Low point in your life when you celebrate taking back the girl who openly stole from you. Not you keep her sedated and in VR to convince her not to leave you again.

Wait, is that Dani Golightly?

It's the broad before Dani.. Back for more

I mean, when you find an easy mine to dig gold from, you gotta go back to it, right?

Ran up 10 grand on his credit card without asking, I'm sure this relationship will end much like the last.

Wasn't this also "used her key to get in while Ant was out and smeared cat shit in his bed and all around the house" girl?


goddam, this is that girl? Ant lets someone do that bullshit to him, and lets her back in? That's kind of pathetic. He cant wrangle up some other teen girl to suck his millionaire dick aside from one that fucked him over before?

hes getting less rich and famous but older and uglier by the day

i'm sure he's glad he can get anything below 40 at this point

Now you keep her sedated and in VR to convince her not to leave you again.

Cumia's dream is to create his own version of the Matrix where he can keep barely legal girls "plugged" in at the compound.

Bad pussy > no pussy

Why does he have shit just laying around ALL THE TIME. He's one step away from being a horder.

Bottles of vape juice, cbd oil, what a fag. Get some kratom.

Is it any good?

That's a dark and perilous road to go down. Stay away if you love yourself and your family.

If he did, would he be here?

It's pretty much just stronger caffeine that can cause heart problems if you do it too much, because it's slightly addictive. It's legal in most of the US and Europe. Margarine is far more dangerous.

....thats just wrong

dude you are playing with someones life here!


And out of all the things to look at he's probably fingering the gun on the end table, staring through the window and imagining the spook casing him sees him seeing him.

Her knees are fucked up. There is something really wrong with them. Also, she has cankles.

Gotta love the Canada Dry cans that are most likely filled with shitty light beer.

Anythony really never should have let anyone take a peak into his life. It was far easier to buy into his alleged Great Gatsby-esque lifestyle before we actually knew what went on inside. It's really hard to claim jealousy when you're shown shooting darts with 3 fat guys while a bored 6 plays on her phone and The Bris is playing in the background for the 800th time.


Glass of red wIne on the far left of the table.

Is that hemp oil on his coffee table?

Ah sweet they got the beta version of Kid Spit Simulator 4

Wine glass to the left, beer bottle reflection in the computer monitor. Either she's double fisting or old man cumia is back on the wagon (off the wagon?)

That's a wine bottle reflection, sir.

Oh now don't I feel like a silly goose

How old is that gal? 16, 17? Is her dad younger than Anthony?

He's a little boy.

My first apartment when I was 17 was cleaner than this place. And what kind of tasteless nigger just throws the cat house thing (and a fucking cardboard box that doubles as a cat house) in front of a door like there's no better spot for it? Must be the door to Joe's kid-spit room.

CBD oil vape juice

Wine bottle reflected in the pc monitor

What if I love the occasional recreational drug but get drug tests from work?

Oculus touch tracking is shit, plus he only has 2 cameras.

Vive is better, and can also play oculus titles.

Trop drop vape juice, - pretty good stuff.

Yeah touch tracking is too "touchy"! LOL gimme another

Look at that shitty ass pc gaming set up

His gf is hotter with the VR set than without it.

Is she doing a VR game wherein she's with an age appropriate guy who is not a close relative from Corsica?

  1. clean up your task bar
  2. vape fag
  3. stop watching murder channel
  4. grown single man owns cat and has unsightly cat toys
  5. placement of canada dry a false flag
  6. unclutter your shit
  7. girl wearing bra in your house at 1:30a, does she even fuck?

All that money and he's fucking another 5.

What a pigsty

These "look, I have a girlfriend/girl over" Tweets are the worst.

faggot got the oculus rift? dumbass

The pattern we've seen with these girls (Stettin, Dani, etc.) is that they initially enjoy the goodies, doing nothing all day, going to dinner, getting drunk, etc. However, they quickly get very bored and depressed with the lifestyle. Also, they find the old men that hang around Ant to be creepy losers. Soon, they have their meltdown (Dani) or just have their prison break (Stetten). Once free, they will write about what a soul crushing and utterly dull existence it was.

I hate those columns. They're worse than the plastic dinosaur.

Does he leave the cat castle thing up because he's afraid he might have to go back to rehab if he admits publicly that he accidentally crushed it to death in a drunken fall months ago?

That's the only real reason I fuck with Ant'knee, ya know. I'm jealous of this.

Diet Canada Dry and a barely-filled in 7th grader playing.. something... as I got Investigation Discovery playing as background noise? Living the dream, man.

She's hot, if fuck her

Id rather be in ants place than mine tbh

His setup blows.

Looks like fun to me


It's looks like the back of a Goodwill in a decent neighborhood.