Better Call Saul is the Jim Norton of TV Shows

0  2017-05-09 by majestik6

The more I watch "Better Call Saul", the more I realize that Saul Goodman can't carry a TV show. The worst part of "Better Call Saul" is the main character.

Just as Jim Norton makes a great 3rd mic, Saul Goodman should have stayed in the background.


And DeRosa's in it.

Today's episode was all Saul and chuck and it was great

It was pretty damn good. Probably the best "all Saul" episode in ages.

Nah it's good

I liked the first season way more than I thought I would. I'll watch this one.

Season 3 has been some of the best tv I've seen in a while

As soon as Im done rewatching Sopranos, I'll check it out. Im almost done.

Artie Buco is one of my favorite guys on there. He is so fucking funny, that actor is hilarious and does so much with his face and expressions. He's such a loveable guy. I cant believe how well Sopranos has held up, I haven't watched it since its original run, when I was 19yrs old.

I watch it annually, it's so good. I don't like how little they used Artie in the last season

I've never even seen breaking bad so idgac about better call Saul

Keep enjoying Golden Girls faggot

If it doesn't involve Asian women, he doesn't want to know about it.

You're god damn right

I stopped watching when I saw Derosas dumb face.

Best show on TV. It's not for queers who can't put their iPhones down for 3 minutes and focus.

Gus Fring is a legendary character, can't wait to see more of him

Great show, that and Fargo are superb.

More Joe,less Saul.DeRosa is one of the best holocaust deniers on and off screen.Second to Sam kike killer Roberts .