Anthony "The Racism in the Black Community is Astounding" Cumia, everybody!

11  2017-05-09 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


That video is fucking disturbing. Serves her right for interacting with communities of color.

She was German - they're into that sort of thing.

The funny thing is Harlem is going through gentrification now.


Is he sure it wasn't just the hat removal service hard at work again?

Videos like these make me so fucking angry. Why the fuck to people think it's okay to screw over honest workers by flaking on their hat payments?

Man Ant really is obsessed with watching white people be victimized by black people.

I can't help but feel like there's a sexual undertone here. Is it safe to assume he secretly yearns to be pegged by a black transsexual?

Ya, he thinks it's hot. He's aging gentleman. It takes a lot of over the top foreplay, or a racial crime, to get him hard.

Just one?

My apologies. It was one about ten years ago.

Just one?

Just one?

He capitalized "plains" because he didn't know how to spell Serengeti and google 'plains of the spaghetti' and just copy-pasted the phrase from an article. Stupid fucking wop.

Keep fighting the good fight, OP!

Your black friends would be proud.