Vermicelli-haired Racist "Astounded" By The Racism In His Own Community

104  2017-05-08 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


From Anthony "treat me like some nigger" Cumia.

What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach... So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it! Well, he gets it! N' I don't like it any more than you men.

Anthony tries so hard to be a "white male victim" it's absurd

you have a fucking gaming rig in your living room and dinosaur statues out back, stop bitching

How often does he even leave the house at this point?

Only at night, once every full moon

He's a were-pedophile



He needed to take creep shots of the scaffolding, man needs his fix


awhooooo werewolves of LI

Just for court dates.

Ah, pretty regularly.

Why can't he behave?


He, like virtually all of these retarded white nationalists, have just become the flip side of the racism victim mentality coin that he ridiculed prior to 2002.


Oh does that mean if someone says something racist to me I can get them fired and ruin their life and the media will talk about how bad white racism is? No of course not. Shut the fuck up with this other side of the coin bullshit it's not even remotely true.

you have a fucking coffee table cluttered with wires and a desktop you hunch over in your living room and prehistoric lawn ornament out back like the rest of Kentucky, stop bitching

The only thing white about Ant is his trash.

What about his pubes

Ant needs to stop his "I'm white" bull shit. Paul fuckin Mooney even called his ass black.

Anthony tries so hard to be a "white male victim" it's absurd

In his mind, he lost everything because of black people.

Ive got a gaming rig. Are you saying if i get a dino statue ill finally be happy?

Of course what kind of question is that?

Okay 164563716243

Alright ill just have to save for a few months, thats more than twice the amount of money i have in the bank!

suck a cock redbar.

Which is the most niggerish thing I've ever heard of.

It's absurd that he thinks he's white in the first place.

Why do you insult vermicelli like that?


I havent been reading the news. Was there the one black on white hate crime that happens every six months?

A bunch of black Harvard students decided to, basically, have a graduation party for black Harvard students. Antwan lost his shit. Probably mostly because they're black kids at one of the best universities in the world and he's a black guy who couldn't even scrape through public high school. It's jealousy, pure and simple.

Shaming people for chasing education is one of the things wrong with Anthony's community

the "black" is a victim of its own self-hatred

It's incredible what a complete bore he's become. He used to be so funny.

Never on Twitter.

No, true. And he can still be funny - Fixing Joe/Jim and Sam at the Cellar/Podacast - but left to his own devices, he's just become an echo chamber dullard who thinks he's making salient political points. He's not. And his Gorgon-like visage does not belong in a visual medium.

Of course I don't subscribe to his abortion of a show anymore (I gave it 6 months after he was fired out of a mix of hope and loyalty) but seeing him nervously and self-consciously chuckle in front of that amateurish green screen, while churning out crime statistics with Z-list guests is depressing considering he used to be probably the funniest guy in radio.

but seeing him nervously and self-consciously chuckle in front of that amateurish green screen,

Did he chuckle that much on the radio? I swear I don't remember it, but maybe I didn't notice it because not only was he being funny, I wasn't looking at his ugly mug. It's honestly unbearable, just constantly shrugging and chuckling through everything.


It's funny… I don't think about Anthony outside of this sub. Even when I'm listening to O&A clips. Anthony is old and obsessed... nigga get the fuck off the dick.

Anthony thinks the 'black community' is whatever he sees on Twitter that confirms what he thinks, and 'debating' is having a Twitter argument with some aspie who has Frederick Douglass with lazer beams coming out of his eyes as their profile picture.

that's what most pale faces think, "black community" is people who act like rappers and worldstarhiphop videos

Fuck them for being born into an environment where they are likely to end up a hardened criminal by age 12, right? Let's angrily tweet at them, that will change their tune.

No, fuck them for creating a dogshit anti-intellectual, materialistic culture that perpetuates the environment that forces them to end up hardened criminals by age 12.

Nah screw that, just fuck them cause they're black

White people created that culture for them buddy


When you control for single-mother status, poverty in the black community is not statistically different than poverty in the white community.

Are you saying that white men hold guns to the heads of black people and force them to impregnate women and leave?

You're not educated on this issue.

Stop blaming other people for your shitty decisions. Strive to be a mensch. You are the ultimate author of your own actions, which means that your fuck ups are your own

There is no such thing as free will. Everyone is a product of their environment, every decision you ever made is a reaction to external stimuli.

Nonsense, human beings have the capacity to reason between a set of choices and choose that which they believe to be the best course of action. Free will is an ingrained component of our deliberative process.

But by all means, continue telling yourself that you have no control over your actions - by doing so you certainly will become a product of your environment. Enjoy your deadend existence

You don't think that blacks being stuck in the bottom half of Maslow's Pyramid in a shitty government building throughout critical parts of their personality development might fog the lense a little bit when it comes to one's enlightenment? Also stop pretending your viewpoint is "intellectual" too, there are no Compound Media subscribers with degrees, let's be real.

Proceed to the nearest liquor store and do your best to drink all your neurons related to your sociology and gender studies to death. All my claims are supported empirically

And how dare you insinuate that I subscribe to Compound Media

Right. That's why, as someone posted on here recently, growing up, his black friend that got good grades, spoke english correctly, and respected authority figures, was treated like shit by other blacks. If you're black and actually make something of yourself, "da community" shits on you. And youre saying that... was somehow created by whites? With what? Men-in-black flashy wands?

Are you capable of just entertaining a possibility above 0% that some of their problems might stem from within their own culture? I'd say every culture that exists has problems that stem from within their own culture. Are you saying blacks are the only golden, infallible culture that doesn't have this attribute?

I dont think you know what you're talking about. I live in a big city that is 29% black (more than double the national 13% average), and mostly below-middle-class to poor status. It IS all like worldstar videos.

"I'm the most racist motherfucker. You're lucky I'm not white." -Patrice O'Neal

Even black people's racism isn't as good as ours.

Does he realize that being absolutely OBSESSED with mother fucking black people DAILY, is racist in itself? This fucking guy is holed up in his Roslyn Heights mansion in a Jewish neighborhood, he doesn't even interact or see black people. There's probably 7 black people on the entire north shore of Nassau county

I almost fucking yelled 'Shut the fuck up Ant!' When seeing this post. Go back to being funny you bisexual tin knocker.

Who is he even talking to? Is he just announcing shit hoping somebody important will retweet it? Twitter is so gay and narcissistic.

Breaking new ground with the Twitter bashing

lol very nice threadcraft, i chuckeld

Gavin needs to take over Compound Media and fire Ant.

What a sad old man.

It's just reactionary racism, Ant. An effect of the racism shown to us by Whites, Asians & others.

Shudddup, it's because human beings have cognitive mechanisms which evolved in order to mark people as belonging to one coalition or another. These cognitive mechanisms pick up race as an indicator to coalitional alliance.

There. I've solved the racism riddle for you

Hahaha! Good one, Ant!

(You guys who said he lost his funny just don't know what comedy is.)


wtf happened to this guy?

Show us on the doll where the black hooker ended your career.

It's a puppet

He went hardcore racist when Obama was running for hist first presidential term. Before that he would drop little jokes here and there.

I think because of the Alex Jones connection Ant had to turn really far right and conspiracy way

Alternate title: Elderly shut-in continues to rant and rave on the internet about black people, a race with whom he has personally interacted with maybe twice in the last 3 years.

that's weird he never uses the word "astounding"

He's an astronaut

For a guy living in a mansion with millions of dollars and the ability to never need to leave his dream home, he sure does complain a lot.

that's what most pale faces think, "black community" is people who act like rappers and worldstarhiphop videos

What about his pubes

Show us on the doll where the black hooker ended your career.

He went hardcore racist when Obama was running for hist first presidential term. Before that he would drop little jokes here and there.