And here i thought this educated tin knockin House nigga would be for segregation...

5  2017-05-08 by jokopolis


The whole story is that they want to hold an unsanctioned graduation ceremony in addition to the one that is official and sanctioned. Anthony is pro-freedom of speech and expression, unless it's black people, then he will rage and talk about how stupid fucking Harvard is.

If it was a group of white students doing this, Anthony wouldn't have any problem with itwhatsoever, and would be defending it on twitter

He's such a transparent racist moron

I'm sure he complains about black scholarships while seeing nothing wrong with the countless scholarships for Italian-American students.

He's pointing out hypocrisy. The same people who are cheering on the all black graduation ceremony are the same people who would tweet #oscarssowhite

23 and me this cocksucka!

Typical thug behavior. Graduating from Harvard. This is what's wrong with the black community