High School Dropout and HVAC Repair Man Anthony Cumia Takes on Harvard University

74  2017-05-08 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


He don't need no libtard snowflake education, he went to the school of hard knockz.

more like the school of tin knocks

More like the school of trans cocks.

Face pocks?

Lost glocks

Shock Jocks

Anthony has the boorish manners of a Yalie.

He's definitely into that whole Yale thing.

What do you mean Yale thing?

I think he means he was a closet homosexual and a regular cocaine user ... that "Yale-thing"

His apartment was obviously more expensive than mine

He's a locksmith?

Hey egghead! Sing "Fair Harvard"!

[Herr Homo! We join in Sue's teepee-ing thong,

and "her" pressing, surrender "she" o'er.

With these Mulignon fights, from a man that is "white",

If he can't dox you're due for a bite.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-SjMwBG1mk)

I'm not doing the whole thing. Maybe in an hour when I'm stoned.

My mommy said there is no such thing as bad effort, just good effort that turns out bad.

A very wise woman

Why, every friend I have, I made right here

my word!

Sup Frasier

Yeah, but have any Harvard students watched Discovery channel shows on airplanes??

Didn't think so.

and by "show on airplanes" you mean ww2 show on Nazi airplanes. Cuz he likes hitler.

Good Will Cunting

It's all your fault Tranth

Well I sucked "her" cock. How d'ya like them apples?

Anthony tried to solve the black board equation, got yelled at for getting it all wrong by Robin Williams. Queue end scene

Stellan Skarsgard was the mathematician. Robin Williams' character wouldn't have been able to solve a complex linear algebra problem anymore than Anthony would. Guy who ruins the joke with a literal answer.

The other guy ruined the joke by fucking up the specifics. You can't make a reference based joke and then get the reference wrong.

No sir Robin did mathematics but switched to psychology, in a way him and SkarsgÄrd represented two paths for Will, one to follow your heart and the other to embrace his intelligence.

Congratulations on a comment even more autistic than my last one.

Thank you

bet that faggots never even sat in a control room

bet that faggots never even sat in a control room

bet that faggots never even sat in a control room

Speaking of planets, as a half-white man Anthony pretty much spearheaded space travel.

Please someone tell me how having a separate graduation ceremony for blacks is a good thing??

Mine as well give nia burr a degree.

Because they're still going to be at the regular ceremony. It's basically a graduation party.

On top of that, there's always the time-honored tradition of not giving a shit unless something directly affects you m

It affects everyone. That rioting you see on tv when blacks don't get their way that's because their told by lefty community organizer cucks they deserve special treatment. WRONG.


It doesn't affect me at all. Sorry, it just doesn't.

You know who else whines about life not being fair? All the snowflakes you hate so much. Stop being a pussy and think for yourself, faggot.

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Still waiting for a reason why this is a good thing? It's divisive and racist. Could you imagine the outrage if white students decided to have their own ceremony? They'd take their fuckin degrees back.

It's segregation. We already have affirmative action, and diversity goals forced into these institutions. Lets show whitey how smart we are by not only fudging the requirements for these prestigious colleges for us to enroll, but throwing their gratitude back in their faces!

Isn't the point of college to help students prepare for the real world? Where we at with separate water fountains???

I don't care.

Okay. So you're not saying it's a good thing. Got it. Next time reply with something relevant to my comment.

You're so upset over nothing.


K keep replying buddy

lmao, I will

Stop being mad because you suck.

Also how are racists mad about this? Don't you want black people away from you?

I'm not racist. I just hate the hypocrisy. Idk maybe I need a drink.

Oh, it's the hypocrisy!!!!! Knock me over with a feather, I surely have never heard anyone smoke-screen the reason they're angry as the "hypocrisy" of the other side.

Somebody is triggered. Again my original comment asked how is this a good thing?

"I DONT CAREEEEE IT DOESNT BOTHER MEEEEE!" What a bitch comment. If it doesn't bother you you wouldn't get triggered and post links to ants Twitter talking about it.

What's the matter did ant shit on you on Twitter and block you?

Suck my clean white dick cuck boy

I just hate the hypocrisy.

But the fact that it's always so out of proportion tips people off that it's a little more than that.

Idk what you're perceiving as "hate" you may need to attend more sensitivity training to understand. I can't help you.

I guess the fact that we're having a laugh tooling on ant and you're killing the buzz with your "but how is it a good thing" serious malarkey.

Because Ant said it and everything he says needs to be picked over because he's a fruity nigger.

Boy oh boy, this negro might have done really well for himself if he had started his radio program in the 30s, towards the tail end of the "Good ol' boys" clubs at Ivy League universities. Of course, he never would have made it on the air as a dirty WOP, but...

I voted for Trump, but this guinea's misunderstanding of history makes me sick.

Actually, the media was one of the few semi-legitimate ways for Italians and Jews to make money back then.

If only our lovely HVAC repairman would accept his own heritage..

Can any of those liberal elites recite entire episodes of Columbo from memory? That as good as a degree from Harvard

In a year/year and a half when Compound is gone, HVAC is the only thing Anthony and Brother Joe will have to fall back on. On a serious note, I didn't know Ant was a high school dropout. That's unsurprising though. Cumia's have had generation after generation of fuck ups.

The running joke on the old O&A was Jim and Ant both dropped out of high school yet know enough trivia and interest-specific knowledge that, combined with a rapier wit, helps them pass as intelligent.

Opie, who graduated both high school and college, is utterly ignorant of all aspects of the world beyond radio, yet he stumbled constantly while reading and talking (2/3 of radio).

Leave it Opie to graduate from college and still be a complete dumbass.

Forget Aristotle And fuck Socrates Here come Professor Anthony

*Failed HVAC duct installer, ie mexican laborer

HVAC repairmen are very intelligent people. (No, I'm not one)

Whenever I feel like a faggot for posting here, seeing people like this 'WHITEDEVIL' fellow lick Anthonys balls reminds me how much lower I could be

I feel like Anthony may have a drinking problem, as well as an issue with his own identity. He identifies "problems" amongst other races which are often actually true about him. I'm not sure if this has been pointed out, but i'm pretty sure Ant is a nigger.

Ah yes, it would appear that Mr. Cumia graduated from Harvard's old rival school, Suffolk County Community College.

Harvard is a shithole though. It's become a marxist affirmative-action circle jerk for liberals.

Hes so smart... compared to the other guys at Apollo HVAC.

more like the school of tin knocks

More like the school of trans cocks.

Thank you

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Shock Jocks