Reminder: Dante Nero is an absolute faggot with a laughably stupid sense of self worth and a bowling ball for a head.

57  2017-05-08 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


its funny that he thinks patrice rubbed off on him at all

To top it off he ripped off Patrice's act really bad

Video: "Dante Nero Kills Multiple Hecklers Hilarious!!!!" Uploaded by.....Dante Nero...

wow! somebody gave Verne Troyer some HGH

It's funny because he thinks he's people.

Holy shit he's a fatter Joe Cumia

Jesus that is fucking apt.

Joe Balloonia

uncle philip

Dante uses patrice like Bigamy uses Colin and attell

Is she married to them both? tss tss

Dis guy's fawkin gud

Bulk Hogan.

Cool jacket, Drexel Spivey.

Watching him walk to the stage I'm reminded of a certain animal....

Don't other comics always joke about being scared of him?

He looks like he can barely walk.

All comics are pussies. Especially the ones that think they are fighters like Joe Rogan and Luis J Gomez.

His walk reminded me of the Iron Sheik and other wrestlers that come back from time to time, can barely walk or move, and the present talent has to sell them.

looks like he's doing the no sugar no grains diet

No, he does not.

Pastrami isn't a grain

So did Bob Kelly

Dat was the joke

ah damn, literal me. I don't know anything about dante nero so I thought you were serious

Dante Nero Kills on Live at Gotham

Uploaded by Dante Nero

I didn't think I could hate him more but if this is legit he should be verbally annihilated at every opportunity.

nigga look like a suction cup

mother goose lookin ass nigga

Don't forget ge has a proudboys tattoo on his fat head.

He got it between his skin tags

I heard part of the initiation ceremony involves fucking the crease (no cumming allowed though)

doesn't he work in tech repair?

He's on LinkedIn, go look

Fix my cable box fat man!

He who can, does. He who cannot, becomes a "life coach".

YouTube this nigga. Watch how he walks. I think he's a giant midget.

this faggot's wardrobe gimmick is gayer than Big Jay's

imagine name dropping your dead friend every time you go on stage

He has a proud boys tattoo on his neck. Anyone with a neck tattoo is already a faggot, but the fact that it's a proud boy tattoo makes it soooo faggier.

He still works full time installing cable and internet in people's homes, give it up bro, you're never going to be famous.

Without this man and his work, there never would have been a Proud Boys.

Very Odd Job

Fu Mange Tout.

This guy says he used to be a high-priced male escort.

At least he drives a really cool jeep, right?

HAHAHA. I wish someone could find a picture of it, since it's got his own face on the side of it. The last time I looked I couldn't find anything, but it has to be a total package of gaudy and awful.

You're saying this isn't "fire"?

This mall-crawler truly belongs in /r/ShittyCarMod. That must be 700k pointless lumens for those dark NYC city nights. Good on whoever did the work though, they probably charged a fortune for all the custom work. The Mario Paint quality graphic on the side is a nice touch, hopefully he was overcharged for that too.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShittyCarMod using the top posts of the year!

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is that really a fucking picture of his fat head on the side?

I used to hate him until everyone started being so mean to him, now I just feel bad. He seems like a nice dude.

lmaooo he reminds me of my cousin, but there's a no mercy rule here

i gotta butterscotch uncle like this nigga. he never hurt nobody!

I cant believe this is a real person .... HILARIOUS!!!

Dante Nero is the worst fake name ever. It's like what a 12 year old Dungeons and Dragons player would name his character.

And if you're a self proclaimed self-help guru, maybe slim down a bit.

His moustache is dreadful and those 4$ pirates rings are douchey.

I heard part of the initiation ceremony involves fucking the crease (no cumming allowed though)