Is Anthony's brain going full Lady Di?

15  2017-05-08 by lolercakesmcgee


The synapses aren't synapsing right anymore

Say "the" again.

His weeping liver isn't filtering the toxins out anymore. Brain filled with amonia.


Anthony's ancestors saw that face when it was reflecting back at them in the watering hole.

This guy tweets so much he's like fawkin Tweety Bird or sumpthin. Where's Sylvester and Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck and Yosemite Sam?

Name some more characters!

Fawkin' Pepe La your bit sucks... Tsss

I hope his naval ship gets torpedoed by Somalian pirates.

No no no.

"Oh, no no no... I reply to much on Twitter?"

Anthony also believes he is in the Navy, but that's only because he fucks men.

The soy haired sailor strikes again!

It's not just ISIS. There is also Al-Queada, Al Shabob, Boko Horam, The Taliban etc. It's Wahhabi. Which is absolutely part of Islam. And is spreading pretty rapidly around the Muslim world.

Someone needs to ask Ant if he lives on The Moon.

Speaking of that water buffaler whats her current situation? Still stuck in that home? Playing basketball and cards while befriending large native american men?