this was 6 months ago already

5  2017-05-08 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


Well at least Jim made it back on time. Radio is tough folks, you gotta be there on mic for 3 hours a day

I thought I put the image of Fat Bob Kelly air drumming because he was a drummer on a show out of my head, but there it is again. Thanks.

No probz gahbige

Wow. Bobby Kelly looks like absolute shit.

"I'm not even THAT FAT you asshole"

Bobby's rationalizations are works of art:

Don't you think a heart attack is sometimes what you need to get your shit together?

Bobby's rationalizations are works of art:

Don't you think a heart attack is what you need sometimes to get your shit together?

Your heart literally gives out because of shitty living and gluttony. If that's what it takes, does he really deserve life?

he really is very ugly. and those thick glasses... he looks like a tumblerina with cancer.

Time flies when you're sucking cock

timestamp faggot.

lol jk jk jk