
31  2017-05-08 by [deleted]



He's the last guy holding out with that hair style.

Like a fat blonde with vertical bangs, workout pants tucked into white sneakers, acting like she's still a Poison groupie at their concert in 1999.

What would horizontal bangs be? This?

If he's trying to be the last one, he should just give up now because he's not beating Guy Fieri


Pretty cool, huh?

Hey...at least he's trying. Most of them just got with the old #2 all the way around. That way, they don't pluck their hair out and try to eat it.

I love donuts nigga

scary lookin mothafucka

just remember. that's him deliberately widening his eyes.

At this point, his eyes are just fat holes fighting to stay open.

Ol' Katrina Pits


nigga has fatty temples.

fawkin shirleys cousin or sum shiznit

Why do awful looking people think not shaving makes them look good? Just run a razor over that shit stubble once a day. Even every other day

His appearance really challenges faith. Looks like an even more retarded version of Big Hoss from Pawn Stars.

You edited out the red head. The normal looking human next to him really makes the downy eyes pop. https://twitter.com/erockradio/status/861415023922556928

It's hard to believe they're both the same species

They're not

Lots of stress eating going on

Stop photoshopping eroc.

I miss faterock.com

I wonder if any of his friends or family have had an intervention for whatever it is that's causing him to look like this?

Did he always have downie eyes?

Not until he ate himself retarded.

Who was the one who said Nagel had 'stupid dairy cow eyes'? Patrice? Whoever it was fucking nailed it.

That was Patrice. He was saying how Danny was a smart dude and how he likes Erock but you could tell by those cow eyes that there wasn't much going on in his head

looks like someone who would spend eight hours a day on this sub..

Bear in mind he's craning his neck as far as possible to be photogenic and Lose a chin

I like Erock. He show is pretty entertaining. But all that said, he looks like he's got Down Syndrome.

I didn't know, that succumbing to 'Overnight Trisomy 21' was a thing.

Hey, you shouldn't photoshop Erock to make him look like he has Down Syndrome, that's not fair to him or people with Down Syndrome.

Looks like he's wasted away

Hes a real sleepy eyed idiot.

No title?

Nigga looking like Brian Peppers.

Fluoride and soy, my niggers.