Nia Burr complains about white culture

8  2017-05-08 by FlashVirus


Bill is such a fucking beta male, just playing into her nonsense

I hate the term "beta" but I think it applies here

Quit saying beta


Interestingly, if we derived a small sample of Patrice's rotting flesh, and if we observed it under a poignant microscope, we would find a diverse collection of prokaryotes and decomposers. Ha, but I bet Bill Burr does not know anything about microbiology, because he is uneducated. Anyway, I will have to look into this video you have shared.

the fuck did you just say?

What the fuck is a poignant microscope?

It sounds like something Dali would paint

Excuse me?

Your trolling makes the hackiest trolls look like geniuses. "Cuck!" would have been 10 times better.




Shes a stupid MOONCRICKet and she may not still be in the wilderness but her cousins in africa are

he is still allowed to speak on his podcast, I see.

overall 60 white guys have been in the show survivor, thus generalize all white guys as needing to prove they're 'redneck' enough to survive alone for 6 days

this bitch watches too much tv

Don't let her get to the ISIS section of youtube or she'll start thinking every light skinned shithead with pubey facial hair is gonna fuck a goat or rape a european country

Well not all of them

White people do what to animals? Pretend to "rescue" them but then abandon them? That's a Nia thing, not a white thing.

Why is this dummy always getting on her soapbox on a fucking comedy podcast? Goes from shitting on sherries Berries to a scathing commentary on whites oppressing blacks, while this 5 lives on the dime of a wealthy redhead

This Nia shit is really puzzling, she seems to be universally despised even by his hardcore fans. Does he know something? Has he seen his downloads go up because of her? What's the motive here?

White guilt.

Still can't believe she made him get rid of the dog.