Just a little Sunday Funday!

59  2017-05-08 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


It was a fawwwkin' photoshop

It's interesting to note Anthony's ape arm in this picture.

And face.

I honestly don't understand how Anthony's face in this picture evolved into what it is now. It doesn't seem possible.

It's makes me want to stop drinking. I mean, I won't, but it sure makes me Want to.

Just stay away from xanax and t-girls and you'll be alright.

My gut tells me meth was involved too.

Let's not be hasty.

He's had plastic surgery.

He should get his money back.

Alcoholism. Wait until he evolves in to a Lady Di lookalike.

He really does look like an old gypsy woman now.

Did someone photoshop this picture to make Opie look less like a cock?

Its hard to tell if opies neck is elongated or if it's just straight up cock shaft shopped in. This is truly art that makes you think

Who's the black dude in the back?

It's like his neck and comedic abilities have an inverse relationship.

Remember the clip of them talking about this Opie was like IM FAWKIN HANDSOME BUT THE FAWKIN PHOTOGRAPHER WAS OUT TO GET US

Opie's neck looks like this arm.

The strange thing is the worst part of these photos is their hair.

Anthony is a black.

Opie is looking for pieces of his telephone. Once he assembles them, he can talk with Patrice for hours, cracking him up.

He should get his money back.