The full conversion to feminist is nearly complete. Bonnie is now complaining about TV stars wanting a young TV wife.

46  2017-05-07 by Ant_Sucks


Reminder: Bonnie fucked and married Rich Vos because she thought his career was on the rise.

Joke's on her.

Success knocked on my door but I'm dodgin' it

Lmao. Bitch gotta up her leech game.

Should take some lessons from Nia or even BroJoe

Yeah. Poor Bonnie.

Thats not what shes complaining about.

Why do you always have to suck?

Learn to read and I wont post as much.

You read??


Hey, you! :)

The only reason she made it anywhere in her career is because she has tits. Retarded cunt deserves her failing career, retarded husband and dried-out uterus

because she has tits

Now now, let's not be forgetting her wonderful ass..

So brave

The one that looks like Margaret Cho's face?

I'm that director's defense, that woman does look a little homely.

Exactly. And Hollywood has always had the actress being more attractive than the actor. Do you think Jerry Seinfeld the character (not the zillionaire real guy) could go out on dates with Courtney Cox and Terri Hatcher? But nobody complained about why a mid-level comedian who isn't good looking could pull all of those women.

Vos is 16 years older than Bonnie.

His teeth are only 20 though

Bonnie's been lying about her age. She was actually born in 1969, not 1973. Her real age was accidentally revealed in an interview in 2015, when she was called 46 instead of the fake age of 42. 1969 makes more sense in regards to her life and career as well, being that she grew up in the 70s, went to college in the 80s, and started comedy in the late 80s/early 90s.

Fat, ugly, or old women all become feminists because men stop caring about them

i find that women that choose a man's life, one of hard work and competition, are typically anti-feminist and hate privileged women.

funny how that works.

Member when she got upset for jokes about retarded people?

Women should complain about more things

But wait, they already complain about so much!

how does she know the director is male, the only man she mentions is the actor.

If women stopped fucking old guys then we wouldn't have this problem. It's them that go on and on about how they like older guys, Hollywood didn't invent that.

I'm pretty sure Bonnie has been a full blown feminist for a long time now

Isn't she a failed documentary director?

Hey now... she showed her ass and that's about as much as we could ask of her.

Why does Bonnie use a shot of her sister as her Twitter pic? Or does the whole family have retardation running through it?

Shes gotta stay relevant you guys

I know there's a lot of Bonnie hate here but I'd let her sit on my face regardless.

Ofcourse i'd make her my personal oxygen mask but thats beside the point here, sir

I wanna smell a pair of Bonnies shoes.

I'd throw a pitiful, flaccid fuck in to that heebephile Canadian.

Probably sarcasm. And she has said, "she only wants to see attractive people on tv", on her podcast. Let's not bury one of the only good ones.

Her sister is a retard.

The amount of tiny dicks in this place is astounding. Fascinating social experiment of angry white guys who haven't gotten laid in ten years and think they're victims of the world while complaining about "special snowflakes" like women and POC. And think that pretending to be a Nazi is funny and makes them ~edgy. I hope all that acne on your face clears up someday, bub.

Don't be mad, Bonnie.

Are you penis size shaming ('tiny dicks in this place')? Are you abstinence shaming ('haven't gotten laid in ten years')? dermatitis shaming ('all that acne on your face clears up someday')? We dont want fascist nazi trump-supporters like you triggering us!

It's brave to take a stand against white guys. You're a rebel.

I appreciate you coming straight from the real housewives sub to teach us nasty boys a lesson

Opie is so transparent.


its been 12 years here. get it right or pay the price!





Oqie Radio confirmed

Haha "snowflakes" really does hurt you, otherwise you faggots wouldn't be trying so desperately to take it back. Now back to work on your angry white guy invented computer, posting through your angry white guy invented internet. And keep being a sensitive lil fruit, bitch.

Unfunny cunt. At least her profile pic looks good.

Turns out she was the retarded sister...

So that's why she got so mad. It all makes sense now.

Retarded people are usually ridiculous happy so no

From the mind of M. Night Shyamalan.

Why did Bonnie marry an old guy?

Because he's actually a really deep guy. He has a tattoo which reads "never again". And thats dedicated to his original set of teeth.

She can't take a joke if it affects her directly, she's married to a mush mouthed Hebrew, she's not very funny but, boy, would I happily eat her hairy, Canadian pussy in a hurry.

Did someone ask for a younger menu voiceover too?

She saw Big Amy's success as an SJW, she wants a piece of the pie, folks.

So that's why she got so mad. It all makes sense now.

From the mind of M. Night Shyamalan.