REMINDER: Alpha male Joe Rogan could kill you if you're wearing a tie

0  2017-05-07 by Crownenberg



He's like an 8 year old me after watching my Van Damme videos.

You ever see Double Impact. Van Damme has a twin in it. And there's a hot blonde who they're both hot for. You can imagine the hijinks that ensue

You ever see hard target when he punches a snake and knocks it out? That's how real men hunt animals.

I did judo at primary school and ever since then i've known adults who do any form of martial art are try hard dickheads. I think i was 8 when i realised it was all abit pathetic.

I would like to be able to fight but I don't wanna roll around on the floor with out men in a gi to get there. The trade off isn't worth it to me.

My first teacher was a woman. She used to press her boobies against us.

What a treat


did your second teacher press his dick against your ass though?

Sadly no

I started training about a couple of years ago.

Even now I'll still have occasional moments of clarity in the middle of sparring where I'll be wedged in between another gentlemans legs, glance around the mats and just see a roomful of other pudgy middle aged men grunting and sweating on top of teenage kids in their pajamas and wonder what the fuck led me to this point in my life.

It does completely wreck your spine though, so every cloud...

I tried abit of ju jitsu when i was younger because im an insecure guy and think learning how to fight might make me less anxious. It was really gross and gay. At one point some dudes sweat flew into my mouth while sparring and i almost threw up on him. I said fuck that and now just take 120mg of cymbalta for my anxiety instead.

Find a boxing gym

So you took some after school judo at some mall and you came to the conclusion that all martial arts are dumb?

It was in the school gym fuckface. And yes. I was a perceptive 8 year old

It's somehow worse that it was at your school.

I did another 'art' ( how pretentious) at a proper place too. Only a few times. Involved weapons. Total dickheads there.

I like how negative you are about everything. It's endearing.

Look where you are.

Were you wearing your army surplus jacket and calling them all phonies?

Yes. You could tell the ninja turtles apart

I doubt he can reach it

Hed have to get a stepstool to get near my neck tho.

i hate joe rogan, but he could kill me if i had a knife

If you had shown me this when I was 14 years old.... That I would have to exist in a world where two people like this thrive and are praised, I would have taken a heroin cocktail.

I remember when UFC wasn't even that big, then around 2004 I started to see TapOut shirts and stickers on people's cars, and then by 2005 or so you couldn't say the word "jujitsu" without sounding like a fucking douchebag.

It's what happens any time California tries to contribute to culture. Try hard middle Americans and weekend warriors are so devoid of happiness and desperate to seem hip to the outside/real world that they glom onto any and every scalable coastal hobby.

Motorcycles in the 80s, surfing/skateboarding/BMX in the 90s to early 00s, MMA in the late 00s to five years ago. From Harley to Hurley to Headrush in 30 years.

Low Rogan is like Donatello on alpha brain. SoOo iSnt this greAt?

Another reminder: Guy Ritchie got himself circumcised in his late 30's/early 40's because his then-wife Madonna was dabbling with Kabbalah and told him to

That turned out to be a smart move, though. If Joe Rogan got a hold of that foreskin... you're dead.

Lock, Stock and one snipped barrel

He said the same thing when Gavin was on.

It's the first thing out of his mouth any time he talks to anyone with a tie, it's kinda telling. "Oh I see you have a dog on a leash, don't you know I could grab that leash from you and strangle you and your dog at the same time with it?"


kill you with your tie? .. Oh yeh, THAT's why Master Po wore a clip-on

You ever see Double Impact. Van Damme has a twin in it. And there's a hot blonde who they're both hot for. You can imagine the hijinks that ensue

It was in the school gym fuckface. And yes. I was a perceptive 8 year old