Jimmy's ideal relationship

12  2017-05-06 by Opieisgod


That's the German chick, no? Who is the cuck at her feet?

Merkel and the future President of France. Sad!

Europe in general is done for. I hope you're American.

It's in America's best interest for Europe to succeed, but we can't protect them from themselves.

Holy fuck ... in that context, the pic is priceless.

Is he rubbing her feet?

Probably. He's clearly got mummy issues. The creep is married to a woman 25 years older than him. She used to be his teacher. Instead of banging her a few times and having a great story for the lads he stayed with her and she is, reportedly, the only woman he's ever been with. She's now in her 60s.

French men of a certain age will not vote for this guy for that reason alone. They won't be able to respect a fellow Frenchman who doesn't try to nail anything that walks.

French men of a certain age

All those people were voting for le pen anyway

i dont get it

I'm assuming he means that Jim wants to be dominated by a woman.

whhaaatt the fuuckkk

Which side won WW2 again?

Neither of these people's countries.


The wrong one

Same tbh

Too dumb to know who that is and too lazy to find out.

I hope Le pen wins.

is this real? why would any high ranking politician actually do this?

It's in America's best interest for Europe to succeed, but we can't protect them from themselves.