The French revere experienced women

4  2017-05-06 by FlashVirus

experienced women = old hags who have aged like bananas.

In the middle of the French presidential election, the entire world seems to have focused on the 24-year age difference, in the “wrong” direction (Melania Trump, anyone?), between the likely future president, 39, and his glamorous 64-year-old wife, once his high school drama teacher.

Difference is 20 year old women are in the peak of their fertility. Stop trying to equivocate the two, there's a reason why war lords and emperors have went for young women to have in a harem. There's literally no reason for a healthy 20 (or 30) something year old man to date a woman much older, it's a fucking genetic dead end.


France is done for. By 2030 their population will be 50% muslims lmao

French still have open marriages right? One to cook others to fuck. Good way of doing it

They have about 7 different types and words for mistress and kept boy.

Only a retard wants kids. Are you a retard, OP?

The reason = he wants to fuck his mom.

older the berry sweeter the juice

"The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. The darker the flesh, the deeper the roots." - William Burr

That's the same logic Ant uses to justify fucking toddlers.

HOLDONHOLDONHOLDON, this guy's 39 and has a wife that's 64?

don't elect this weirdo you frenchie fucks

That's fuckin gross vote Le pen

i'm 25 and i met a 40 year old filipina temporary foreign worker 4 months ago. some of the best sex i have ever had; currently trying to convince her to abort.