Any of you guys gay?

4  2017-05-05 by Single_Action_Army

Don't worry, I won't tell ;)


Asking for a friend, I'm guessing?

Be prepared for the 50 larpers to come here and say they are fags or trannys.


Do you have any self awareness you fat anime lover? If there were death squads your sweaty fat ass and cock scented hands would be behind bars.

>Implying that I don't want to die

If the death squads were rolling down my block I'd run outside with my waifu pillow.

I know you want to die. You're an unappealing zilch whose hobbies all involve masturbation. It's okay now because you're young but eventually you won't be. You're gonna be the weird forever single guy that family members don't invite to anything anymore because you're unable to even hold an adult conversation. You should be ashamed of how little you contribute to anything worthwhile. Seriously, go fuck yourself.

I have plenty of hobbies that don't include masturbating. And I get invited to plenty of family things but I never go because I hate all of then. Who the fuck is ever happy to go to a family function?

unfuckable, unlikeable, and unnecessary.

You just described 99% of the population and 100% of the posters here. Try harder.

I know you want to think you're just part of a larger pool but that's not the case. There are plenty of people posting here with friends, relationships, and something to look forward to. But whatever you need to tell yourself to get through your long sad lonely days.

😴 😴😴

You aren't very good at baiting.

If you're over it, be over it, and stop making my phone ding with your pathetic "it doesn't bother me" responses.

I won't. I'm about to go over to my friends house to drink and eat Taco's.

Smell ya later

I'm really happy to hear that. I'm happy I could inspire you to give life another try. 😀😀😀

Be careful guys, we gotta real tough guy here

What too real?

He really is a card, isn't he. I love everything about the guy.


That pork clerk. Real wildman.

I think he's coming off as a huge cunt.

He's just trying to be edgy and cool. I hope he finds his way.

I thought you were dead, good to have u back

haha thanks man. And I'm always safe with my dosages. Hope you fucked sara hemingway by now too my dude

haha nice callback

You're one of my favorite characters on this crazy site ya turkey of course I remember. If you lived close to md we could totally gay it up

totally homeslice

if I'm ever in Maryland...

Youve got a real bee in your bonnet, sir

i want to die bla bla ME ME ME


8675309 is our resident gman

You wish.

I raped a smelly invalid, but that was in response to the call of principle.

they don't understand any other type of language.

I like a good cbanks tweet of twinks getting rammed by huge men as much as the next guy but homosexuals are straight up irredeemable degenerates and I don't care for them at all.

I don't care about gay dudes who are just dudes who are gay, I don't want to see you cuddle and kiss your boyfriend but I don't care if you do.

It's the lispy "gay is my whole identify" faggots who can be rounded up and executed.

Sounds like you need to sit down to a frosty Heineken with an effeminate man for a good heart to heart.

I dunno, sounds kinda gay.

Legitimately wish I was sometimes. Spend 10 minutes on Grindr and I'd have a blowjob lined up for dinner. Become a kept boy and fuck some 60-year-old like a golddigging slut.

Unfortunately I'm attracted to hot young girls like every other fucking hack without the looks, bank account, or social status to wet my dick in a single one of their mouths. Nope, I'm doomed to blow my cum into a napkin because I saw a pretty girl in a TV show and watched a MOFOs POV video where the porn star pretends to be your girlfriend. Really hit the sexuality jackpot, think of how embarrassing it would be to have a committed loving flight attendant boyfriend instead of a pile of cum napkins in my trashcan.

This is why I'm thankful for my probable autism. Unless it fits my very specific sexual attraction then I'm not interested. I probably won't have sex again for 5+ years and it doesn't bother me.

I agree with the second half 100%

Ant is that you?

This time it isn't

I feel ya. A couple years back there was a night I was so horny and no one to fuck, so I went on craigslist with the intent on getting blown by the girliest looking tranny I could find in my area. Its so easy to cum in/on another person if you're gay.

I only top.

Did you give him a creampie?

My mudder would say Lamar gave her the creamcake or sumpthin'

Did he make a blood bubble when he farted?

I just want to know if the guy this dude fucked blew a load in that chasm of a belly button. You could eat a bowl of soup outta that motherfucker.

Want to try some clam chowder?

I love cock

You came to the wrong sub. Try /r/proudboys

I know I don't even need to ask there.

Ill suck a dick or two, but definitely not gay.

I'd rather blow a guy than kiss him

I like female on tranny porn, does that count?

We're not into hurting God around these parts, sir.

>Implying that I don't want to die

If the death squads were rolling down my block I'd run outside with my waifu pillow.

I thought you were dead, good to have u back