Ben Shapiro is a "Free Market" homo.

0  2017-05-05 by TangerineReam


what kind of surname is shapiro?

Sounds Puerto Rican



Oh yeah? Well I heard the call your mom the free fish market down at the VFW Hall.

oh yeah?...well the JERK STORE CALLED...

Why would they care? You're their all time best seller.


I love it when Ben Shapiro "destroys" all those SJW libtards while talking 100 words/second like a dumb autist on meth.

Yeah fuck the free market

Just tax my shit up fam

He was the kid with the punchable face in high school government class that wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Taxation is theft.

Are public services theft?

When they're made to be deliberately cheap and low quality because the people in charge of administration are cutting themselves a bulky piece of the tax pool money, yes it is, fag.

That sentence doesn't make sense, you cunt.

You not being able to understand a sentence doesn't mean it lacks sense, mentally stunted retard.

Good one. But look back at your comment--it's inarticulate, vague, and retarded.

It's actually insightful, brilliant, and a salient point. It's none of my concern that you can't wrap your head around a sentence. You're confused about it as well as the topic itself, you showed that before I even commented.

You're naive and retarded because you don't know that public services are as shitty as they are because they poach the budget they accumulate by taxing citizens and pocket the bulk of it, leaving very little to spend on the finished product. I know you're a gay faggot retard, but was this paragraph better for you? Need any more help?

You could have just shortened it to Ben Shapiro is a homo.

He writes very homoerotic novels. Even those Chapo faggots were able to mock how gay his books are.

I'm not saying he doesn't have good points or isn't clever enough to convey them. He can be funny at times. But he's too much of a free market zealot. Any intellectual can at least know the limits of a good idea and when to change gears and/or call it quits. But its guys like him that will not address outright the pitfalls of greed, and there have been MANY pitfalls.

I'm a free market faggot, but I'm a realist and understand that we would essentially have to start USA over to have a true free market. Otherwise it doesn't work because we already have public roads, water, etc. Pulling back all regulations now would be chaos, but I do think we have too much.

Free market with very little governement intervention = Good

Free market without any government intervention whatsoever = Somalia

Free market with a lot of government = Northern Europe = great.

I don't know what any of this means but I assume it's from the alt-right sect of this sub.

Fuck off. Aim your tired political gripes elsewhere, like at Crowde, Gavin, or Cumia

Ben Shapiro is more tolerable than most on the right or left. He backs all his arguments up with reliable evidence and states his religious bullshit without getting demanding you believe the same things.

He's a bit dry and unfunny but that's the extent of what makes him hateable

I'm only condemning his free market autism, champ. He doesn't force his religion, but it certainly speaks for his political beliefs, logical or not.

Why would I bash someones' free market faggotry, while look for solace with the likes of Crowder, Gavin or Cumia? They're the same kind of faggots.

Fair, but why air your grievances with political ideas at all on this sub?

Nobody gives a fuck


You're a good egg. Sorry, I'm a little salty today

I think this was what he meant by Ben Shapiro being a "Free Market" homo. He's was talking about the health care repeal and how health care " a commodity, not a privilege."

Well, it's true. If you have to pay someone for doing something that helps your life, it's a business. It's like saying all companies that serve or sell food should be shutdown because everyone needs to eat to live and no one should be denied food so you can't think of it as a business. So all food needs to be seized by the state, and all workers have to work for free, because people need food. All the food is thrown into a pool and rationed for 100% of the population.

These concepts are always meant with good intentions, but always lead to complete collapse because they're fucking retarded.

I don't even think most Jews believe in that bullshit anyway. It seems to just be a club for people to join so they can call themselves a "chosen person" and have free land handed to them in Israel should shit in the U.S. go sour.


My favorite Ben Shapiro moment was when he almost got his ass kicked by that cross-dresser.

Was that something, or what?

Cumia would've just tried to bang the cross-dresser

i do enjoy him triggering liberals but hes probably a fag

When they're made to be deliberately cheap and low quality because the people in charge of administration are cutting themselves a bulky piece of the tax pool money, yes it is, fag.

You not being able to understand a sentence doesn't mean it lacks sense, mentally stunted retard.