My friend who converted to Mormonism did this. Light him up.

0  2017-05-05 by TedShecklerHouse


/b/ is not your personal army.

Yeah, you only follow defunct radio hosts.

Go get flamed over at /r/roastme, ya queeb.

My grandparents made me get a mormon baptism.

Leave us alone fucker.

Did they teach you the secret handshakes?

Yes and the password. I'm not telling though because I will be let in by the guards of heaven and you fucks will be denied.

Yeah but you're only going to level 2. No level 3 for you pal. And isnt level 1 not that bad? And will you visit me in level 1?

No, why would I visit the telestial kingdom? You will be in a spiritual prison for 1000 years for not accepting Jesus in your heart. I will only have to remain in the terrestrial kingdom untill my final judgement when I will be allowed into the celestial kingdom.

he seems like an upstanding fella. why you so jealous?

Mormonism seems pretty dope honestly

Mulitple wives, living in Utah away from the lefties, everyones white

A lot of " The Mexicans". But the women are mostly hot, and take care of themselves. Mostly 1950s attitude.

I live in AZ, so if I see your friend, I'll give him a good lighting up. And by that I mean I'll give him a stern taking to.