Any sub users here from France?

1  2017-05-05 by A_Friendly_Creeper

'We come from France'


No, but I got harassed by gypsies when I visited Paris

Who do I look like, Beldar Conehead or sumptin'????

Wow...nice fucking joke you retard! really are retarded...even more than your old man.

French football sucks

what about PSG?

I'm more of a PFG man myself.


I'm gonna have to google that

I can't imagine French people being into this.

I was wondering about that myself, but there's a big difference between the comedy stylings of O&A and Jerry Lewis.

French guy here, I really like O&A and american stand-up in general but I'm literally the only one I know that do. I showed Louis CK to two of my friends and they enjoy him but that's about it. Some of the more curious people here watch Fallon, Ellen and Corden and think it's hilarious which is really fucking sad and a good indicator of the level of the french stand-up scene.

You mean Neo-Pakistan

Ant got all the o&a subreddit users in france to stand in the street in Lyon. They are all gone.


Je suis charlie

France is full of dick lovers


I'm gonna have to google that